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distilling and possibly mixing poisons and potions


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so, I almost not use poison potions.

I have like 60 poison frostbite lvl 1, taken from small spiders, that I dont plan to use because they are too weak, and I dont care to sell cuz they are too cheap..




I wonder if it is possible to make a script that let you distill 10 poisons lvl 1 into one poison lvl 2? otherwise I guess it would require recipes for each step.


I would like to add also that, from:

lvl1 to lvl2 requires 10 lvl1, but

lvl2 to lvl3 requires 8 lvl2, and

lvl3 to lvl4 requires 6 lvl3,

lvl4 to lvl5 req 4 lvl4,

lvl5 to lvl6 req 2 lvl5.

instead of requiring always 10 of previous lvl, considering higher lvl is already highly distilled.. this would also be more rewarding (I miss 2 lvl5 but I get the lvl6 beast poison!) and less disappointing (damn.. needs still 8 lvl5 to get lvl6, dammit.. <- this wont happen!)




also, I wonder if we could mix poisons/potions,

whatever you mix will require many weaker lvl potions to make an stronger one.


we could also mix gradually, so each poison you add, increase the poison potential of the potion a little bit, 10% of the mixed new potion potential only.




PS.: all these distilling and mixing could help improve alchemy somewhat also.

Edited by ghussak
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  • 1 year later...

Necroing an old thread, but only because I don't want to start my own. Anyway, was thinking about this and it could be modded in Papyrus such that a script checks your inventory for potions and poisons and then sorts them by effects and the values of each, then allows you to distil two of each into one slightly higher one according to your alchemy skill. For example, if your alchemy skill is 30 and you have 10 healing potions of 25% effectiveness, you could distil two of them into a potion of 30% effectiveness to create up to 5 potions of 30% effectiveness or whatever maximum strength your alchemy skill can produce.


And if you set the script up right, you could have it so that all potions and poisons below your current alchemy skill are paired up with ones of the same type but of varying strengths (i.e a 29% and 24% could be distilled into a 30%). Obviously it would have to be capped at your alchemy skill (stock or enchanted, not sure) to prevent it being abused and potentially ruining the game.


Pseudoscript for the code would be like this:


Get AlchemySkill


If InventoryPotions>1, GetPotionStrength<AlchemySkill

If PotionStrengthDistillable>2, Count PotionValue(Healing), Count.PotionValue(Stamina), etc...

If PotionHealing>2, add PotionHealingStrength(AlchemySkill) and remove 2 PotionHealingStrength(<AlchemySkill)

If PotionStamina>2, etc....

And so on


Might require a minimum of 50 alchemy skill for potions of two or more different types, again to make it a bit more realistic.

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I just thought it could even be easilier coded like this:

1) select the potion you want to modify, will be called MAIN.

2) select the OTHER potion you want mix into MAIN potion. Depending on your skill, more of the effect of the other potion will be mixed into MAIN one.


Anyway, the mixing can never add beyond 50% of the OTHER potion into MAIN one.

And, there must have a maximum, where it would be like only 75% of the strongest possible potion a player can ever make. So a pure one made with high skill will always be stronger than any distillation.


The point is to not just sell all weak potions, but spend some time making them all actually useful in a single one.


And, just for fun, add a hidden and random delayed, random fumble effect to it.

Why fumble? because you are mixing and distilling to achieve something you dont really have capacity to, so you may fumble.

Why hidden? so the player wont be able to just reload to make it work the way he wants.

Why random delayed? so the player wont know if the effect will kick in, in about 1s, 1m, 1h, or 1d hehehehehe :D

Making it all balanced and fair, in some way.

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btw, I dont think it is necroed, nobody made the mod, and you and I just gave new option ideas to improve it;

basically, it is as fresh as the day I posted it :smile:


EDIT: very related links:





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