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Shut the flute!


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Hello fellows,

I hope this thread is in the right place.


I guess you know Sven from Riverwood?

He is my favorite follower, although he has a certain bug thats driving me crazy.


Maybe you already had him following you, then you may have noticed that he randomly starts playing the flute.

No matter whether we're in a dungeon or being chased by a dragon, from time to time the bard script is triggered. (or so)

It also happens when fast traveling or waiting, making him stand around - not following me, until I talk to him.


This is very annoying and I hope you could give me some advice on how to fix that.


I am tempted to delete the whole flute playing animation, if I only knew how to.

Any other fix would be good as well of course.


I tried to tamper with the Creation Kit but didn't get any further.

(Looked for a flute in his inventory and deleted him from the Bards faction)




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