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Save Benny without turning the Legion Hostile.


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I was wodnering if anybody could make this mod for me or guide me in how it would be made. I'm using a Benny Companion mod but i'm still trying to avoid direct confrontation with the Legion. still stringing them along for this playthrough.

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Ok it's off the quest script (VMQ02QuestScript) in this block;

        if (GetObjectiveDisplayed VMQ02 8) && (GetObjectiveCompleted VMQ02 8 == 0)
		if (VFortBennyRef.GetDead)
			SetObjectiveCompleted VMQ02 8 1
			SetObjectiveDisplayed VMQ02 9 1
			set VStoryEventBennyKilledFort to 1


	if (VFortBennyRef.GetDead == 1) && (bBennyKilled == 0)
		set bBennyKilled to 1
		if (GetObjectiveDisplayed VMQ02 8)
			SetObjectiveCompleted VMQ02 8 1
			SetObjectiveDisplayed VMQ02 9 1
			;ShowWarning "Killed Benny without permission!"
			SetStage VMQ02 110

and his objective is index 8.


So did you just want a quick cheat (knock out a few lines) or did you want an actual story like poisoning him so he appears dead, then somehow getting him out of the camp?


I didn't see what makes the legion aggressive, so there may be something else (for example a trigger and a script that you hit as you exit, that taps into bBennyKilled or more likely the glob var VStoryEventBennyKilledFort). But if there isn't and they just become aggressive because you fail the render unto Caesar quest then *and* you don't care that there isn't as story behind it, I can edit the script for you. Take out the conditions and have it just advance the objective.

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I'm suggestign soemthing in the middle. If you give Benny the Stealthboy and the Bobby Pin it doesn'tturnt he Legionhostile but ifyou just "release" him without oding so it does.

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I'm suggestign soemthing in the middle. If you give Benny the Stealthboy and the Bobby Pin it doesn'tturnt he Legionhostile but ifyou just "release" him without oding so it does.


Sounds do-able. Add a block under the same condition (if (GetObjectiveDisplayed VMQ02 8) && (GetObjectiveCompleted VMQ02 8 == 0) with "isSneaking" & "GetUsedItemActivate" (stealthboy id) & bobby pin), "unlock" for the cell door (don't know where he's being kept, just going off what your wrote) with a condition (>= 1) bobby pins, based on Benny having the bobby pin in his inventory (so that you can reverse pick pocket it on to him, stealthily) and trigger a travel package (AddScriptPackage). Make the travel package with always sneak, must complete, must reach location. Select an Xmarker that's out of camp or make a new one as the destination.


Anyway the above should be a rough guideline to get you started so you have all the pieces of the puzzle. Give it a shot if you think it's within your abilities (I can't tutor learning to script, there are much better tutorials already written). If you think it's beyond your current skill set, shout and maybe I'll add it to my requests to do list, or someone else will put it together for you.

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NO You misudnerstand, there is a dialogue option with Benny that allows you to give him a stealth boy and bobby pin to escape in the base game. so you don'tneed to do all that. He's kept in Caesar's Tent. he door isn'tlocked.

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under VdialogueBenny quest click on VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic007

comment out the following line like so;


;set VFreeformTheFort.bHelpedBennyEscape to 1


on the result script comment out these two lines


;SetEnemy VCaesarsLegionTheFortFaction PlayerFaction
;SetEnemy VCaesarsLegionTheFortFaction TheFortBennyFaction
You still need to set up a travel package as I mentioned before and add it to the result script, otherwise Benny probably insn't going anywhere. In addition you need to bump the quest forward to the next index.
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Reallly not sure how to do any of that and the GECK doesn't exaclty agree with my computers dispaly settings which are kind of nessecary for me due to poor eyesight.. Only really need this so I can use Benny Returns while still hedging my bets with he Legion.

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