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Skyrim crashes to desktop while in game


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Ever since I bought skyrim I've had issues with it crashing to the desktop for seemingly no apparent reason. It doesn't happen when I'm in a quest or town, it happens most when I'm simply out traveling. I can be running or riding my horse, or I can have been standing in one place for 5 minutes. Load screens have started going into "not responding" and the game will also sometimes minimize itself.

This happened before I had any mods installed and when I now have mods disabled.


I'm running on Windows Vista

intel® Core2 Duo CPU



Mods are-


Convenient horses




Skyrim Bigger Trees

Convenient Horse Herding

Essential Meeko






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Ring some bells saying "Don't install"


Other than that, need to know your ini tweaks (if any) and more system specs (if ini's are tweaked)

All these problems started before mods were installed and persist after mods are disabled.

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Then more system specs (RAM, GPU, OS details, etc) and put your Skyrim.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini in spoiler tags here (found in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim)

Also, any more mods installed - eg, texture replacers? And more info you can give - are crashes on random locations, at random times (sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes 20, etc), or is there a pattern? Also you cannot disable a mod on an ongoing save... You have to start a new game to really disable a mod, and you have to remove all the mod's files to disable it - not just uncheck it in your load order which still keeps all the files in the Data folder.

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@ LicianDragon


Your are not alone,,, many people have this issue,, many since the 1.9 update.

Some are due to mods and most are not.


My crashes happen so randomly that I am getting sick of Bethesda games. Crashing before mods, You finally get it stable, then it gets an update and all hell breaks loose.

Most can get some stability through trial and error by reading through posts and so on.

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RAM 4.00gb

Radeon 4650

Windows Vista as stated above.


CTD's are completely random. I can be 2 minutes into a game or I can be 20 though I haven't been able to play for more than 30min at a time in a long while. I haven't been able to replicate a crash scenario either. For example I crashed just beyond velthiem towers immediately after shooting a fox, when I reloaded the game I was able to kill the fox again with no crash but I did crash 10 minutes later while heading back up the road to whiterun.

I found the skyrimprefs.ini folder but don't know what you mean by spoiler tags.

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Since you don't have a long list of mods... Try this, uninstall your mods, disable mods will not always work because mods might come with files placed in Data folder separately, which are still used by the game even if the plugin itself is disabled. Go through your data folder to make sure mods are completely removed & disabled.


Reset your Skyrim ini files by renaming them. They are located in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim (Skyrim.ini & SkyrimPrefs.ini)


Verify game files with Steam to rebuild your ini's


Launch game with normal Skyrim launcher to redetect your video settings


Start the game through the Launcher, you have no mods anyway at this point


Start a new game to test if you still get CTD running a blank game




Edit: just read your update - with uninstall, did you remove EVERYTHING? The Data folder is not cleaned out from mods on a normal uninstall.

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Since you don't have a long list of mods... Try this, uninstall your mods, disable mods will not always work because mods might come with files placed in Data folder separately, which are still used by the game even if the plugin itself is disabled. Go through your data folder to make sure mods are completely removed & disabled.


Reset your Skyrim ini files by renaming them. They are located in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim (Skyrim.ini & SkyrimPrefs.ini)


Verify game files with Steam to rebuild your ini's


Launch game with normal Skyrim launcher to redetect your video settings


Start the game through the Launcher, you have no mods anyway at this point


Start a new game to test if you still get CTD running a blank game




Edit: just read your update - with uninstall, did you remove EVERYTHING? The Data folder is not cleaned out from mods on a normal uninstall.

Yes, everything was removed. Tried completely uninstalling the mods and resetting the ini files. Crashed within 5 minutes. As stated in the beginning of this, EVERY issue I am having was there before I had a single mod installed. I don't believe the mods are causing the issues.

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