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Skyrim crashes to desktop while in game


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Then more system specs (RAM, GPU, OS details, etc) and put your Skyrim.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini in spoiler tags here (found in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim)

Also, any more mods installed - eg, texture replacers? And more info you can give - are crashes on random locations, at random times (sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes 20, etc), or is there a pattern? Also you cannot disable a mod on an ongoing save... You have to start a new game to really disable a mod, and you have to remove all the mod's files to disable it - not just uncheck it in your load order which still keeps all the files in the Data folder.


Same here CTDs at random moments.


I guess i'm gonna put my new PC to use on other Games instead...

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I have the same problems. It's just inevitable when running so many mods. It's really frustrating though. At this point I'm kind of ready to give up on Skyrim and modding because it all takes so much configuration and trial and error.

Ye, spending more time trying to get the game to run than playing : / And i even bought some DLC i never got to play due all these CTDs.


I'm not even running a whole lot of Mods.








Skyrim Project Optimization.esm

Skyrim Project Optimization - Dawnguard.esm

Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm




Brawl Bugs CE.esp

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp

Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp

Better Dynamic Snow.esp



Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - RLO.esp

Book Covers Skyrim.esp

Book Covers Dawnguard.esp

Book Covers Hearthfire.esp

Moss Rocks.esp


Convenient Horses.esp

DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp









Brighter Campfires X15.esp

Distant DetailHF.esp

Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp

Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp

Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp

Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp

RLO - Major City Exteriors - No Guard Torches.esp

Smoking Torches.esp


dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

Predator Vision.esp




ABT - Loot Arrows HARDCORE.esp

ABT - Faster Bolts Improved +75%.esp

ABT - Faster Arrows Improved +75%.esp

ABT - Merchants Arrows HARDCORE.esp

ABT - Progressive Damage (with Nord Hero Arrow).esp

ABT - Recover +25% Arrows and Bolts.esp

dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp



UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp

UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp

UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp




Follower Trap Safety.esp

Krev The Skinner's Mantle by Hothtrooper44.esp



Sexy Armor Replacer Patch.esp








They are all cleaned with TES5Edit. I been selective with installing Mods aswell and stay away from ones that do cause CTDs.


I do however have a LOT of 2K/4K textures installed, and i found something interesting over at the STEP Forums.




I never got to check the System Ram usage of Skyrim, but my VRam goes close to 3GB.


So what i'm going to do now is go with 1K Textures for most and a couple of 2K for smaller objects. If that doesn't make any difference i simply gonna give up and move on to other Games.

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I run a heavily modded game, and I don't have problems unless I start to add higher resolution textures.


Game = 32 bit and uses DX9 = lotta restrictions


Use lite, medium, performance based texture sizes when you run with a lot of texture replacers and you'll be fine on the limitation side of things. I got plenty of PC power to run on 4K textures, if the engine would allow - but it does not.



As for what you say about VRAM, VRAM is mirrored in RAM under DX9, so if you hit 3GB VRAM you hit more or less 3GB RAM too, which is getting very close to 3.2GB limit which get you CTD. Just check in performance monitor... youll see both VRAM and RAM following the same up/down patterns.



Anyway the game looks stunning with 2K textures, I don't see why people need 4K or 8K even, its ridiculous :p

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I run a heavily modded game, and I don't have problems unless I start to add higher resolution textures.


Game = 32 bit and uses DX9 = lotta restrictions


Use lite, medium, performance based texture sizes when you run with a lot of texture replacers and you'll be fine on the limitation side of things. I got plenty of PC power to run on 4K textures, if the engine would allow - but it does not.



As for what you say about VRAM, VRAM is mirrored in RAM under DX9, so if you hit 3GB VRAM you hit more or less 3GB RAM too, which is getting very close to 3.2GB limit which get you CTD. Just check in performance monitor... youll see both VRAM and RAM following the same up/down patterns.



Anyway the game looks stunning with 2K textures, I don't see why people need 4K or 8K even, its ridiculous :P

Well my VRam never been over 3GB..but close to 2900 MB. But i guess the TESV.exe went over or close to 3.2 which is causing my CTDs.


I replaced most 2K Textures with 1K now, kept a couple 2K, but nothing major. Havn't checked Memory usage yet, and tbh i don't care as long as i don't crash anymore.

Edited by SvarogNL
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use of 2K textures in my experience will not get you past 2.3GB VRAM, if you don't run any other major replacers it will be challenging to reach 2GB VRAM using Skyrim HD Lite 2K textures... you need to diagnose a bit if it's actually the cause of your CTDs / Infinite load screens...


Do you have a Logitech G keyboard? You can get MSI Afterburner (use beta version if you use ENB) and have it display GPU/VRAM details on the display while gaming. Anyway use a performance monitor to diagnose if it's resource related. 1K or 2K should be more than fine... 4K is problematic.

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