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Problems with no music and player sounds.


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HI, I have been having some problems with no player sounds 95% of the time no shouts and no in-game music, it starts the theme song when i load the game but cuts out within a couple of seconds. I have tried a fresh install of Skyrim SE, i have tried a couple of mod packs on Wabbajack (Elysium and Phoenix) and i have also tried a self made modlist and i have had the same problem each time.

I have tried tried this fix: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7075341-how-to-solve-skyrimsse-no-sound-on-windows-10-bootcamp/

This one: https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/490124466477783749/#c485622866454010033

I have also tried the Symbiotic link fix as well. I have tried installing skyrim on my main drive and secondary drive. The only problem i think it might be is something to do with reinstalling windows last week, maybe i missed a driver or something.

Would greatly appreciate if anyone had any insight on this? Maybe i've missed something obvious.


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Think I've sorted it, had something to do with my OneDrive, I think. Deleted every folder that had something to do with Skyrim, noticed some files couldn't be deleted due to OneDrive reasons so I wiped that. Re-installed Skyrim, sound still didn't work 100% but was better. Then I did the Link Shell Extension fix again and the player sounds and music is now fixed. Hope this help anyone else having this problem.

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