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Karma Rifle Trouble


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I'm trying to create a rifle that, using a script, changes to a different one based on karma. I'm trying to make it where if the player's karma is less then -249 (bottom neutral) it becomes an "evil" gun, when the player has karma more than 249 (top neutral) it's a "good" rifle, and when it's less than or equal to 249 and more than or equal to -249 (neutral) it's a "neutral" rifle. But i can't seem to find the "if" that deals with karma. Any help would be appreciated.
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no not what i meant. If your karma changes, your old rifle is removed and the new one is added. the evil one would be an asssault rifle and have more damage but also more spread, neutral will be a SMG-like and have little spread but medium damage, and the Good will be a single shot mid damage and virtually no spread.


basiclly i would like something like this(but this doesnt work):


If player.karma <-249

player.additem Bad rifle

player.removeitem goodrifle


i don't know what the player.karma really is. Any help?




I did something like this in oblivion but it was different, naturally. i never finished it but i had the script but i don't anymore.

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