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Werewolf- Able to sneak and possibly climb.


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I believe that being able to sneak in beast form would make a more immersive experience. Anyone in attempt of creating this would make the world of tamrial a more immersive and better place. Lul



you know that cut scene where Sinding climbs out of the jail in falkreath

maybe those animations could be used and altered, to possible achieve climbing to a limited degree.


And also for sneaking the animation mod 'KISS - Khajiit Cat Sprint and Sneak' :-http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22604/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D22604&pUp=1

Edited by RetOsh
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"And also for sneaking the animation mod 'KISS - Khajiit Cat Sprint and Sneak' :-http://skyrim.nexusm...?id=22604&pUp=1"

I say: No.
Creating the animations from a scratch is easier than trying to use animation that is made for completely different "skeleton".

Also, climbing exists. It's in certain lycantrophy mod, but I can't remember its name.

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