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Fortify Destruction?


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I've come back from a break off skyrim and ive noticed that all fortify destruction enchantments only allow a certain % less to cast. Are their any enchantments in the game that make Destruction spells more powerful?


I ask because Ive been favouring "frost cloak" + "ice storm" recently, but they dont seem to be very effective against the npc's i've been fighting. In fact some of them have mimicked the "ice storm" spell against me and it kills me instantly!

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I play mostly mages and might argue that Fortify Alchemy may, indirectly, be an enchantment to help Destruction. Potions are the only way I know of to increase player Destruction magic spell strength in Skyrim, outside of perks.

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Fortify Destruction potions [of sufficient power] are the most powerful items in the game. Combined with a dual-cast cloak you can wipe out whole armies while leaving friendlies miraculously untouched (most of the time -- Cloak spells are dangerous around neutrals).


But FD does more than help you clear the yard trash; against very powerful opponents FD turns 2 dozen Flame Bolt or Incinerate spells into half a dozen. The great thing about FD as opposed to poison is that it lasts 60 seconds, however many shots you get off. It's like a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo.


Back to the Cloak spells, FD potions increase the range as well as the strength. From the point-of-view of your allies you would seem quite terrifying: first the Dragonborn drinks a potion, then he claps his hands together, then every enemy soldier within shouting distance spontaneously bursts into flames. Ralof's still your bud, though. He remembers you back when he was the one keeping you alive.

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