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Dragonborn Interiors - Footstep Sounds Missing


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Edit: Fixed it. Get the fix here.


Description of ze problem:



Howdy fellas.


Finally got 'round to playing DragonBorn. Everything was dandy until I decided to enter the buildings; parts of the floors don't give off any sound when walking/running/jumping/sneaking on them. It's not tile-specific, as other parts give off sound.


Did a fresh install, no change.


Did a fresh install with no mods; no change.


Loaded up the unofficial patches; no change.


I've done every manner of trick from re-creating the .ini files to using my integrated Realtek SPU.


Does anyone else have this problem? I'd like to know before I delve into the murky depths of troubleshooting. A good cell to test is the Bulwark.

If someone could just load up Skyrim and type in the console "COC DLC2RRBulwark", run across the stone slabs and then report back the results, I'd be most obliged.


Edited by FiftyTifty
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Huzzah! Fixed it. Something was messed up with the .nif file for a piece of the Bulwark architecture. The havok material was given a value of "0" rather than "SKY_HAV_MAT_STONE". Changed it, and it works! YAY!


Link is on the first post.

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  • 5 years later...

Fascinating enough ... I also have the issue, and on the vanilla version of the game of all versions! This issue has to be universal, especially since the game updates regularly, and I don't leave vanilla mesh files in the actual game folder.


The files are located in: Data\Meshes\dlc02\architecture\ravenrock\bulwark


They are named: rrbulwarkintend01.nif | rrbulwarkintend03.nif | rrbulwarkintstr01.nif | rrbulwarkintstr02.nif


I was making a mod utilizing some Bulwark architecture, and for a second I thought I broke the cell. Upon investigation, it turned out it was exactly THIS issue.


I remade the edits, since i cant find yours. I went through all the bulwark models, and made sure to give them the SKY_HAV_MAT_STONE material.


I am also going to see about reporting it to Bethesda.

Edited by smashballsx88
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