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What would you like to see in TES IV


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With the dragons in Skyrim, where do you want to see the story go in the next Elder Scrolls game? I personally would like to see a game set during the unification of Tamriel under the Septims. I can't fathom a way that the next game will be set in the future, so going back and exploring the lore would be fun.


Also what kind of features would you like to see? I would like to see the guilds brought back. I would also like to see their quests be long and thought out. I would rather see Bethesda take more time and resources to write better quests than make individual caves. It was stupid for Bethesda to waste time making caves than make the quests seem like they aren't copy pasted.


I would also like to see at least one large city in the game. Having the Imperial City made it easy to off load crap when you were out because there were more traders. I spent a lot of time to run around to find places to off load crap in Skyrim because there were only a few stores in the large towns. I did like how there were more small towns and farms scattered around the map in Skyrim unlike how few there were in Oblivion.

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The main things I want boil down to Choice, Consequence and Variety, plus a hand full of tweaks.



Lets say part of the main mission is to stop a mill supplying the enemy I want choice in how I do it. Kill everyone inside, burn it down, remove a key part so it breaks, poison the food so no one buys from it, buy it out/or persuade teh owners and get it supplying your side. Each way plays to a different style of character and gives a much more personal experience.



Going back to the mill, lets say you burnt it down with everyone inside, less food in the village, so shops have less money and prices are higher, milers family may put a hit on you, and your side has less resources, poison it however and the enemy troops are weaker, mob has killed the miller and you can buy it out for a song, Persuade and your side is stronger, but you may have to defend it from opposition attacks.


Both of these add to the game play affecting the story, which is something I want to see more of.



This takes a number of different forms, but includes things like the Automatic variance mod, but also something that was mentioned in the Civil war rebuild mod, that the fight goes on with out you, so holds switch sides due to battles that happen of screen. This shows you can affect the world, but it goes on without you.



Make destruction (especially flames/ sparks/ frostbite) more powerful at mid to late game.

Have sustained spells (oak flesh) decrease mana regen rather that failing every minute.


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Guest angryzog

TES IV? Umm ... more Oblivion gates? More uses for Sigil Stones?

haha The Hero of Kvatch knows what's up!

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