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What would you like to see in TES IV


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TES IV? Umm ... more Oblivion gates? More uses for Sigil Stones?

haha The Hero of Kvatch knows what's up!



Sonny, I was fightin' the Daedra infestation in Kvatch since before "Keeper Carcette" was even a twinkle in her mama's eyes. Somebody had to do it or Kvatch'da been overrun with the cursed little varmints years before the "Oblivion Crisis". "Oblivion Crisis", hah, I wanted to tell 'em all, "Welcome to my world," but they was all dead. I tried to warn 'em, but the consarned critters were nobody's problem but mine and folks liked it that way.


Then I leave town for half a day, get myself arrested on account o' the usual mix up with the Watch, and the whole place goes to Oblivion. If ever a town needed a Ratcatcher ... wait, what were we talkin' about again? Did I ever tell you about that time in Kvatch, there was this scamp with a taste for flax powder, he'd snort it up and sneeze fire ...


[ramble ramble ramble]

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