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Creation Kit, flowchartx32.dll


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I started using the creation kit today but am unable to edit dialogues in the quests tab, due to the fact that I am apparently missing flowchartx32.dll. This dll is in my Skyrim directory, but I cannot get the kit to register that it is there. I have tried running 'cmd' as an administrator, and using 'regsvr32' to try and fix the problem, but this doesn't work (regsvr32 D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim \flowchartx32.dll), and even trying alternative 'cmd' techniques, but none of them have prevailed.


I am on Windows 7 64bit (OEM if that makes a difference). If anyone has the solution I would greatly appreciate it.

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... from the wiki


could not get the flowchart object error


Everytime I try to use dialogue views I get a the error could not get the flowchart object and after click on ok there appears dialogue view editing will not be available as the flowchart dll failed to register succesfully. And thanks to that I can't use the dialogue view and edit the dialogue.Has anyone a answerhow to solve this.


This is all just an assumption, but you could try one or more of the following:

1.) Reinstall the CS // CS = CK in your case :p

2.) Reinstall Skyrim

3.) Update to the latest Version of .Net

4.) Update to the latest Version of DirectX

5.) If you're not able to get that error away, you can still write dialogue using the old way (see Oblivion CS Wiki), which is actually more comfortable for some people out there (incl. me)


Go into Start --> CMD (Optional as Admin) --> Type in "CD C:\Program Files\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim" or "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Skyrim" Depending on where it is located.


Now type Regsvr32 flowchartx32.dll , which registers the .DLL into the Register, and making it usable. Press Enter, and refresh the Creation Kit, by closing and re-opening the Dialog you couldn't view (E.g, Dialogue Views)





Also... make sure you run everything as Administrator or you set that on the exe as default (right click -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Tick the box to always run as admin)

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Thank you so much I will try this out. Funnily enough the one place I didn't look was the Wiki.


Thank you ^_^.



For anyone with a similar problem, I re-installed the Creation Kit and it worked.

Edited by VSepulchre
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