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Creation Kit, flowchartx32.dll


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I also posted this in technical support but I was not sure which place was more appropriate.


I started using the creation kit today but am unable to edit dialogues in the quests tab, due to the fact that I am apparently missing flowchartx32.dll. This dll is in my Skyrim directory, but I cannot get the kit to register that it is there. I have tried running 'cmd' as an administrator, and using 'regsvr32' to try and fix the problem, but this doesn't work (regsvr32 D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim \flowchartx32.dll), and even trying alternative 'cmd' techniques, but none of them have prevailed.


I am on Windows 7 64bit (OEM if that makes a difference). If anyone has the solution I would greatly appreciate it.



EDIT: Answered.

Edited by VSepulchre
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