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Unbearable and Unfixable Vampire Bug


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So I contracted Vampirism awhile back (can't remember when) and it's been more than 3 in game days since then. I'm supposed to get its full effects by now but I don't have it yet. I need the vampirism to become more powerful so that I can start the quest "Rising at Dawn" which helps me cure vampirism. However, I can't start it because I'm not considered a "vampire" yet. I've tried starting the quest with the console and it worked, but I can't talk to Falion to complete any part of the quest because I'm actually not a vampire. Okay. No problem, this is just a problem with some of my mods. I'll tweak all of them off. Done, but now I lose the option of turning into a Vampire Lord and yet I still have Vampire seduction, servant, drain, Embrace of Shadows, as well as -50% resistance to fire. According to the link on the bottom, I have stage 4 vampirism because I have the ability Embrace of Shadows. However, I'm -50% resistant to fire, so doesn't that put me at stage 2? At any rate, disabling my mods doesn't let me use the Vampire Lord skill for some reason. Everytime my bloid starts to boil, my game freezes up and I end up having to load a saved game. It's become extremely annoying and unbearable to the point where I can no longer play Skyrim. If someone could help me with this problem through teamviewer or SOMETHING, I would be so extremely grateful. Thanks...and sorry for the long post, I am just extremely frustrated >.<'



Link for Vampire stages: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Vampirism#Champion_of_the_Night

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You need to sleep 3 times as far as I know... not stay awake for 3 days.

Starting/Ending things with the console is generally not a good thing to do and probably only damages things.


Open a save before you triggered the quest with console.

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I rented a room at an inn, slept for 1 day, then got the well-rested effect. I slept for another day, and when I woke up, my blood began to boil, then I can't even click E on the bed to sleep again. I can't get to the 3rd day..

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Thing is, I don't want to be a vampire. That would actually be OK, except when my blood starts to boil and my vampiric powers begin to awaken, my character just freezes. I can press the esc button and also try waiting, but it doesn't go away and I have to load another save. I tried turning myself into a werewolf too, but when I talked to aela and asked her about it, the screen went black, I could still hear her voice but nothing happened. I've also noticed that whenever I kill a dragon or something, it takes awhile for me to absorb its soul (I have to wait like 24hrs). Still can't use my vampire lord power either..it just freezes
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