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I was reading something about how some prisions are privately owned and charge states or bodies of government to house criminals.


This got me thinking about the NCRCF. The prisioners broke out some remained behind. Clear out the prision of the poweder gangers spend some caps on fixing up the place and take out some targets.


I'm thinking some scripts from the J3X enclave commander mod could really help too because he has a prisioner capture system and prision marker script. You can randmonly capture NPC and have them taken the prision marker.


I just thought that might be a neat interesting way to have some fun with new vegas for those of us that played and beat the game fifteen million times. I'm curious to know what you might think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooooh very interesting.

You could go hardcore and while you're fixing the place up, based on your managerial decisions, make the prison white collar with minor offenders or a Black Dolphin type hellhole where only the worst offenders go. Like if you go for the more lax route, you could go after business men and Benny types, the cells may even be furnished with radios, chairs, a fridge, a nice little touch would be if at certain times of the night you can go to the cells and find the inmates playing poker. But if you want your prison to be totalitarian, you would go after Raiders or maybe even Super Mutants, and the quarters would be much more cramped, maybe they would even be wearing slave collars.


It'd probably be a huge pain in the ass, but it'd make for a great mod, I think.

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Why would anyone imprison super mutants? It's not like the ncr treats them as people. Other than that it sounds like fun. Maybe do it NV bounties II style. Have a terminal with a list of wanted men and you could hunt them at your leisure.
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I think this mod could be kinda what you're looking for. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45480/? Based on the description it seems like you can capture and process your own slaves.


Had no idea that mod existed ... though the concept of slavery is not what I had in mind. But maybe a few tweaks can be made. Thank you for posting this. As you said its just about what I was thinking thank you.


The linked mod provided a link to another mod that sounded awesome too. You get bad Karma for enslaving people.


What are thoughts on not enslaving them but getting caps for having them delivered to certain communities so justice can be brought to them.


Basically the only thing that would need to be chaned (maybe) is the name slave to inmate or prisoner. And you get good Karma and rep with the NCR and Strip (the only people I can think of that would benefit from a correctional facility) with the successful capture of a bad guy.


Negavtive Karma if you enslave them (why not keep the option for evil characters)

Edited by Skyviper086
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