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Face/Lighting mod


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So both on the nexus and on youtube I've seen some really gorgeous characters that would be worthy of being a wallpaper

Im trying to recreate the enviroment in MMOxReview's videos, when he showcases armors (www.youtube.com/user/MMOxReview)

After some searching I figured hes using gloss tech for the body, but I cant seem to find which face mod he used or how he make the lighting so good

If anyone can point me to it I'd be thankful

Aside from that, which are the better face/texture/lighting mods for pin-ups and taking screenshots? I don't mind if its oriental or western

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You need body replacers, either UNP, CBBE, or similar

You need skin textures for that body type (there are a lot, but SG Female Retexture is very good)

You need some other skeleton and animation to make movement less like a walking wire figure

You need lighting mods, one for exterior and another for interior

You need an ENB post processor to add lighting and effects (AO, DoF, Parallax, etc etc)

You need some time to configure ENB

You need to know if he uses video editing software to make it even better looking (probably) and account for that as well



As for your question "Which face mod, etc..." impossible to answer. There are 35.000+ mods shared on Skyrim Nexus alone (and Skyrim Nexus is not the only site for Skyrim mods - by far) and besides that - he could be using his own mod which is private. The only person that could answer that questing is the guy who made those video's -> so send him a message and perhaps he will tell you which mod/texture it is.

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thanks for the guidelines and suggestions, and indeed im aware that there are tons of mods to chose from, thats why I phrased it "the better ones"

Im gonna go with CBBE and SG female retexture

Im still looking for lighting and ENB mods, just did some searching and there are alot of selections, trying filtering them is almost a chore

So if anyone has recommendations/suggestions from their own experience or reputation I'd be thankful

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Im still looking for lighting and ENB mods, just did some searching and there are a lot of selections, trying filtering them is almost a chore


So if anyone has recommendations/suggestions from their own experience or reputation I'd be thankful


Outside (environment) Light...

Climates of Tamriel --- Install only the outside (default) modules. Do not install the Interior/Dungeon modules


Interior Light...

Realistic Lighting Overhaul --- My preference, see mod page for details on installation, load order, and load order with CoT

Enhanced Lights and FX (ELFX) --- A bit less warm light compared to RLO, a bit more effects



Project ENB



Are my favorites. But I use a re-programmed/overhauled Project ENB for myself. ENB's tend to be way too much saturated, so some tweaking is ahead (either in enbeffect.fx or sweetfx if included). Try and use ENB Binary 0.132 and up, those are significantly better... and the old versions do not come with an in-game configuration menu for easy tweaking.

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