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Forcing time to pass


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I have a script that performs a pseudo "fast travel" to a specific location using the moveto command. I want to make time pass as if the player actually fast traveled. It looks like I can do what I want by incrementing the GameHour global variable like so:

set GameHour to GameHour + TravelTime

When I do this, the Pip Boy clock and the Wait menu both show the new time. My question is, has anybody done this before and if so, does it break things? Specifically, do scripts that rely on GetCurrentTime, AI packages with schedules, and other time-related functions react properly? Obviously, I plan to playtest the heck out of it, but I was just wondering if anybody had already tried it and could tip me off to any pitfalls in advance.





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The vanilla game has scripts that set the game hour ahead. Just don't ever go backward - because it might break other scripts that are tracking time.
And if you're going to set the hour ahead, you have to take into account that you might cross midnight, so you have to increment the day, and depending on the day of the month, you might have to increment the month. There's an example in this script: NVDLC03ThinkTankDoorSCRIPT

In that script there is also the condition it needs to be 7 am. If it's already past that, they go to 7am the next day - they don't go back.

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