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Additional Player Voices, continue where it was left (Let's make D


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Hello fellow modders and mod users!


For the past few days Ive been using the mod called: "Additional Player Voices" by NANAHANE. So, after using it for a while, I've been wanting to "revive" or continue developing where the author left. The mod STILL works well, however, I would like to add more events in which your character (PC) speaks. Currently the PC can talk when the following events occur: You draw a weapon, you kill an opponent, you get hurt at 25%, 50% and 75% of health, when you shoot with the bow and crossbow, when you enter a dungeon, when a companion kills an enemy; during combat, when mounting a horse, when you lvl up and when a skill lvls up; when using self spells (like healing, etc) when using a hostile spell (fire, ice, etc.), when entering sneak and when discovered by sneaking, etc. These are the available categories that where created by the mod author.


So, Ive taken it upon myself to create new voice packs by unpacking Vanilla voices from the: "Voices BSA", converting them into WAV files, and filtering the dialogs (by filtering I mean listening to like a 1000 WAV files that contain the game's dialog, including the infamous: "arrow to the knee" -_-'! hahahahah) and choosing the more appropiate dialogs for each of the categories. Yes, TEDIOUS work alright... XD but I luv Skyrim and Nexus, so Im doing my part. Currently I created a voice pack that has the voice of a commoner female NPC and the PCs attitude when she speaks sounds a little arrogant. Good for Knight or Palading characters.


Well after this LOOONG description:

Im here to ask for help to those ADEPT or MASTERS in the ways of SCRIPTING events and stuff on Skyrim, so that we can add more categories to the ones in the mod. Im only asking that someone follows in Nanahanes foot steps and creates new events that will trigger the voices to activate. In other words, YOU do the SCRIPTS and I'LL take care of the VOICES. :D


Also a few ideas: Make this mod compatible with other mods like "Dovahkiin Relaxes Too". Imagine this: That moment where (when using the mod Dovahkiin Relaxes...) you taunt your enemy (this happens when using the power button with your weapon drawn) your character uses the taunt animation AND spouts something like: "DIE DRAGON!" Sounds great right!? XD


Saddly, I know nothing of scripting and me trying to learn will take a loong time.


IDEAS, COMMENTS, ANY KIND OF SUPPORT (like : making videos of the mod; make the scripts, help me out to "filter the dialog cause its actually easy BUT takes a lot of patience and time"; spreading the word so that we get support, etc.) SUGGESTIONS, or anything, would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. After all, we ALL benefit in gameplay experience and we put a small grain of sand into creating an even AWESOMER SKYRIM. att: AdamantiumReaver



Contact me tru' Skyrim Nexus or preferably my email address: [email protected]


I'll continue making voice packs with the current mod as it is, for all the Vanilla races (you can use them for any other race too, it really doesnt matters since they are not race dependant. I'll do this solely for immersive purposes :D)




PS: Currently I have no one supporting me :'(

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