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Endorsing via NMM


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It's just an idea, and maybe it can already be done and I didn't know about it.. But wouldn't it be cool to have some endorsing option in NMM? Because there's a lot of mods that I'd like to endorse but going through them all on the nexus, can take a while, a good while. When just (for example) right clicking on it on the list of NMM and endorsing it, would be a lot easier, for those of us who use a lot of mods.


Thanks and forgive my heresy if this has already been posted.

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That's already implemented in Nexus Mod Manager, but you still have to endorse them a mod at a time in NMM (no batch endorse system yet).

Edited by ZeroKing
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"You heretic!!!!! You deserve to die!!!" :3 hahahahah I keed XD Hello! Essentialy, you can do this on NMM. Simply highlight the mod you want to endorse and on the "mod" tab, at the left side of the screen you'll notice there's a golden star (impossible to miss XD). So with the mod highlighted click on the star and give it a few seconds (like 5 - 10 seconds) and you'll notice that the greyed star under the "Endorcement" column will be "lit" or become a prwety twinkly golden star :3 hahahah Good luck!

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