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a few missing meshes


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Ok, I have some missing meshes. Not very many, but just enough to be annoying. I installed some texture and mesh packs to uprez the game, such as qarls redemized.


The only 2 real annoying ones that I can find, are 1 type of bench, and a few wine bottles. I made a complete backup of my entire data folder before putting on any mods. My question to you all is. The bench im missing is the same as the one you see when you first walk into rosethorn hall. (on the left side in the main hallway when you walk in) I just need to know the name of the file that holds its mesh, from the data folder, so that I can bring back the backup mesh to fix the error. the wine bottles is a cobl issue, but im working on that.


thanks for your help.

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Bring up the console. Point the cursor at the bench and click.

You will get the name and number.

The benches should be in the Oblivion - Mesh BSA file. It may still need to be unpacked.

obmm should do the job (I think - it's been a while, mine are already unpacked so I just have to

click on them.)

Or, just try and re install the mod. It may be the mesh slipped through

the cracks somewhere.

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