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Glitching everywhere when approaching objects, or trying to go through


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This is kind of hard to explain.. But I'm experiencing at times when I try to go through doors, or go near objects like chairs and such, that I'll "spazz" around, and just glitch ontop of the chair, or get teleported two yards back, etcetra..


It's really hard to explain, but if this is a common or relatable problem, please advise. =D


I'm using nearly every normal mod to use. SkyUI, CBBE, Quality World Map, etc etc.

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Do you have v-sync disabled to allow frame rates of above 60 fps?


If so that is known to cause havok enabled objects to go nuts when you get close to them.


The solution in that case would be to re-enable v-sync.

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I always run with V-sync on. However, I have a 144hz monitor, so that's sort of a dilemma.


Kind of blows that consoles have ruined this game by making it buggy running 60+ fps. I've locked the framerate to 120, and this solved the flickering somewhat. I'm experiencing it every now and then.

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