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Legendary Skills: Why Aren't they Legendary?


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So, last night I found out about Legendary Skills. For those who don't know, here's a link that explains what legendary skills are: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Legendary_Skills


Anyways, my proposition is simple. These skills are awesome skills that you've taken the time to get all the way to level 100 on. I'd love to tag on my character's most major skill as "Legendary," but lets be honest: what's in it for us? Our awesome skill gets bumped down to fifteen so we can level it up again. I personally don't want to go through all the petty soul gems or weeks of casting firebolts just for the extra leveling. So I go to thinking


What if we were rewarded with a bonus?



My mod's mission: to add a simple bonus every time you reset your skill tree with Legendary aspirations. For example, after getting to Destruction 100 you make it a legendary skill, and send it back to 15. However, after doing so, you gain a new ability that grants you 20% off all destruction spells.


I actually tried making this mod, and I will continue to do so as long as no one else does. However, I'm not exactly what you would call, well, and experiance modder. I've spent hours working around in the creation kit, and still have trouble just creating the basic bonuses, not to mention linking said bonuses to legendary skills. Anyway, if someone else would be willing to take over this idea, as long as you credit me with the intellectual bits, I'll be happy. I'm more concerned about the mod being created than simply me creating it, so from me or from the community, the one that's faster will be the one I'm happier with.




This is some of the ideas I had had for the bonuses in the order of

1st reset-->2nd reset-->3rd reset-->ect.


Alchemy: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, ???, Fortify 100%

Alteration: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, ???, Fortify 100%

Archery: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, +50% Crit, Fortify 100%

Block: Fortify 20%, Brawler's Block (fists drawn counts as block), Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, ???, Fortify 100%

Conjuration: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, ???, Fortify 100%

Destruction: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, Double Damage, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, Triple Damage, Fortify 100%

Enchanting: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, Disenchant Legendary Items (eg archmage robes), Fortify 60%, Limitless Enchantress (Able to place any apparel Enchantment on any piece of Apparel andany weapon enchantment on any weapon), Fortify 80%, Disenchant Daedric Items (eg Dawnbreaker), Fortify 100%

Illusion: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, ???, Fortify 100%

Heavy Armor: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, ???, Fortify 100%

Light Armour: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, ???, Fortify 100%

Lockpicking: Fortify 20%, Auto Open Novice, Fortify 40%, Auto Open Apprentice, Fortify 60%, Auto Open Adept, Fortify 80%, Auto Open Expert, Fortify 100%

One Handed: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, +50% Crit, Fortify 100%

Pickpocket: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, ???, Fortify 100%

Restoration: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, ???, Fortify 100%

Smithing: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, ???, Fortify 100%

Sneak: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, Perminant Muffle, Fortify 100%

Speech: Fortify 20%, Simple Bribe (Bribes cost 50% less), Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, ???, Fortify 100%

Two handed: Fortify 20%, ???, Fortify 40%, ???, Fortify 60%, ???, Fortify 80%, +50% Crit, Fortify 100%


Admittedly some of this stuff is WAY overpowered and in need of some balancing, but also, not counting people who like to exploit the game, how long do you think it will take people to get to the overpowered stuff?


Also, modders, you don't have to hold to these bonuses. Some of these I think will be to hard to do, and I understand that. Just think of these more as a starting point.

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As far as I can tell, the legendary resets go on forever (they may be a limit somewhere but I've tested as far as legendary 20 on all skills so far), so an endlessly repeatable bonus might be more effective.


There's a stat you can access via the command console called "powermod" which determines the effective level of the corrosponding skill, for example:


Setting "DestructionPowerMod" to 100, with a Destruction Skill of 100, would make all of your destruction spells deal damage as though you had level 200 destruction skill.


I can't see how it would be too difficult to make a mod that grants you a +5,+10,+15,+20 bonus to the powermod value every time you hit legendary with the corrosponding skill. I've been using +100 every time so far which means I can instantly kill EVERYTHING with a single Blizzard, which is hilarious, but probably not what you're looking for. The numbers can easily be adjusted though.


As for your other idea's, I'm curious myself as to what actual modders make of them.

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How about some actually unique stuff when reaching legendary?
For example, mage schools could grant unique spell.

No idea what it could be for warrior/thief archetypes.

Maybe more "ability"- based approach?

Mage --> New spells
Thief --> Increased skills, maybe some unique abilities like "Assassin's vision"(Nightvision, slow time effect etc.)
Warrior --> On-hit effects? Change to cause bleeding on melee attack?

Something that actually matters and makes it feel like legendary.

Point is, each legendary level would add something different, so it wouldn't be just the same fortify X effect.
It could be limited to 4-5, as doing "endless" amount of abilities is certainly out of question.

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Perhaps have the fortification as a way to facilitate continual improvement, maybe with the unique stuff added at specific levels of legendary-ness.


Legendary 1: New Ability

Legendary 3: New Ability 2 (or a buff of the first one)

Legendary 7: New Ability 3 (or 2, or a buff of the first or second one)


Or maybe have the Legendary mode giving one of the perks as a bonus, and that perk then being transformed into a different one.


As an example, Sneak has the Shadow Warrior (might be remembering the name wrong), which allows you to briefly turn invisible when crouching and in combat.


Legendary 1: Shadow Warrior is now part of your character, the perk is replaced with Shadow Dancer, which increases the duration of the invisibility and increases your movement speed whilst invisible.

Legendary 3: Shadow Dancer is now part of your character, the perk is replaced with Artisan of Deception, which dramatically increases the duration of the invisibility, the movement speed bonus, and also grants 100% critical strike on any attacks made whilst invisible.

Legendary 7: Artisan of Deception is now part of your character, the perk is replaced with Living Shadow, which grants all previous bonuses for an even longer duration, but also restores a small amount of your health (over time) whilst invisible.



An example for two-handed (maybe one-handed too?)


Legendary 1: Adds the bloodskaal blade effect to all power attacks (sends out a shockwave in a line that cuts through enemies) - a secondary effect of this would be a bonus to the damage of the bloodskaal blade effect.

Legendary 3: The shockwave cuts through multiple enemies, staggering them and occasionally knocking them over.

Legendary 7: The shockwave cuts through multiple enemies, staggering them, occasionally knocking them over, and restoring health to the attacker.



These are just examples off of the top of my head, I'm sure there's better ones.

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