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Smithing Overhaul


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So i know a mod for another game you may have heard of called Minecraft that basically allows you to craft parts of a weapon (blade, handle and crossbar) with different materials then put them together to make a custom weapon and i was wondering if anybody knew of a similar mod for Skyrim? here is that mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1659892-15xtinkers-construct/ I just hate how you can't make your very own custom weapons. the only other way i can think of getting a custom weapon would be to make it in a modeling program and import it ect, but i want to be able to actually craft it in game. if anybody knew a mod like this could they let me know? i also happen to know of a mod which allows you to make custom spells like in Oblivion so something like that would be awesome.

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how do you make an original item in a game that is not shared? I mean, technically any original item that can be crafted, the game doesnt support the kind of architecture for combining elements or pieces of an item and creating them on the spot. It has to have a rendered image saved...so a program like that would just be a listing of all the different machinations that you could make and would be much too big for its own use.

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