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Skyrim CTD


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Help me, My Skyrim crashes when i trade with riverwood trader and when i loot from a dead body.


This is my Load Order.





It Crashes after i install the last 25 Mod. it's a Modpack.

Please Help me, Thanks Before

Edited by PsychoDexter
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It Crashes after i install the last 25 Mod. it's a Modpack.

Please Help me, Thanks Before

There's your problem. 'Mod packs' usually comprise of mods stolen from authors without their permission. That means when those mods update, you won't have the latest updates, not to mention the person who put together the 'mod pack' is probably clueless about mod conflicts. I recommend you uninstall it, and find those mods individually on the Nexus then install them one by one.

Edited by ripple
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