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Very Detailed Face mods


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I just started taking pictures in skyrim the other day, and soon I'm going to start making skyrim videos, not playthroughs or anything, but i was hoping you guys could help me recommend some very detailed face mods for females. Possibly that look realistic lol.




This is my character at the moment, I used to be a child of the sky if you look at my pictures on the nexus but i got bored with it, want something more grown up and very very detailed, any help would be great.


Hope you all have a awesome day too!


-Haley Rose

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Hey Haley!

There are a few very detailed skin mods out there... from very to the extreme...

This one is my favorite: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35267 --- SG Female Texture Renewal... if you search you have SG Brows and SG Hairs too (on other website for hairs, not Nexus). It's pretty natural.


If you want insane detailed stuff... you might like this, but it's not for general gameplay since it uses like 150MB of VRAM for the body texture alone... it's for screenshooters only:


for the life of me, I cant find it anymore on Nexus :(



Oh wait, here it is; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36425/

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Hey Haley!

There are a few very detailed skin mods out there... from very to the extreme...

This one is my favorite: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35267 --- SG Female Texture Renewal... if you search you have SG Brows and SG Hairs too (on other website for hairs, not Nexus). It's pretty natural.


If you want insane detailed stuff... you might like this, but it's not for general gameplay since it uses like 150MB of VRAM for the body texture alone... it's for screenshooters only:


for the life of me, I cant find it anymore on Nexus :(



Oh wait, here it is; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36425/

Hey! Thanks so much! Here take a look at these :D http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/3738554-1372416047.jpg soon to have new hair though just waiting for the hair pack to finish downloading

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