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Fallout 3 huge fps drop and high CPU usage in battles and other areas

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In battles my i5-2500 CPU (4 cores @ 3.4 GHz) goes up to 53% usage, i.e.: 2 cores being used to the MAX, and fps drops sharply. It drops in almost every battle, and sometimes it just happens when looking in a certain direction (when I turn to another direction fps goes back to 60). GPU is not the issue, it barely reaches 30% usage. Does anyone else get this high CPU usage? If so how do you fix it? Cause playing around with the .ini files makes it worse. The only thing that make it better is reducing Fallout 3 settings from Ultra to high, in particular reducing the CPU intensive settings not the GPU intensive ones. I'm sure Fallout 3 wasn't meant to use that much CPU power at Ultra settings, right?

Edited by hello987654321
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Check out this Fallout 3 Tweak guide. I bet your issue starts on page 10.


I already said that playing with the .ini file does nothing or makes it worse. And that's when following this tweakguide. Anyway I have experience with this guy's guides relating to many other things, he often doesn't really understand what he's writing, and is sometimes just saying what comes off the top of his head.

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