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Enchantment FX


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Hey guys, not sure if anyone has requested this, Im sure at some point someone did since its something a lot of people have mentioned. I would love to see the community working on mods that change the enchantment FX on weapons to actually look like whatever the weapon is enchanted with. If a sword is enchanted with Fire, then let that sword be on fire (example:http://mccomseycomix.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/beric_web.jpg), and also for other enchantments like Frost, ect. Im just beginning to learn how to mod so my abilities are limited. I would really like to see this happen.

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THIS would be awesome! I would die for this... if it weren't for the fact that it's nearly impossible with the CK. You'd have to have some major scripting skills. So far this is the best thing I've seen with relation to weapon FX: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35917/?


But that there above is a whole new object. If it was possible to change the textures AND model of a weapon after enchanting it, then this would not be impossible, just a WHOLE LOT a work. I do not know if this is possible or not.

Edited by nikoflame
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