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Simple Dispell spell - Mod request


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Probably has come up at some time in the past, though I can't find a mod of it, so:


Add spells (preferably the mod also adds it to various NPCs of sufficient level) that will dispel running effects.


1st spell - probably Adept level: Dispels all currently running magical effects on target that are not generated by an item and prevents them from being recast for [skill level / x] seconds. Basically strips the target of wards, 'skin spells, potion effects, etc. and prevents any similar effect with a duration from affecting the target for several seconds depending on the caster's skill. Note this would also mean you could not land a 'paralyze' or 'fear' effect on the target for that duration as well!


2nd spell - Expert or Master level: same as above, but also blocks effects generated from equipped items for the duration.



Neither version should interfere with normal 'cast and release' spells and any affects that are not 'over time'... though the 'set on fire' effect should probably still work, since being on fire is not a magical effect even if it was magical fire that set you on fire!



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Several of us that have released spell packs over the years have added spells and effects to dispel other magical effects. Enai has one in his Apocalypse called Dispel, and I even have one in Synthesis Redux called Quell Magic. The issue though when using scripted spell effects, a dispel effect is not going to abort a spell's scripted effect unless its written into the spell's initial script. As such a dispel spell from one mod pack won't necessarily work on spells using custom scripts of other's spell packs.

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