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Assassination mod - Silence poison


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Can anyone make a mod that makes you able to create a poison called silence poision that eliminates the target's vocal muscle so he can't make a sound, and then you can combine that with strong damage health poison to kill the target without drawing any attention (all by adding the poison to his/her inventory through pickpocketing)? :-)

Edited by Simniac
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This one would require scripting to eliminate the targets audio files and dialogue? That sounds pretty complex, maybe for a simpler solution why not open CK and make a poison that combines Paralyze and a Damage Health aspect together, so the target is paralyzed and taking damage.

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That sounds nice, but I suck at using CK. If I created a paralyze poison and a damage health poison and equipped those into his/her Inventory in that order, would that be a silent kill that won't draw any attention?

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I'll take a look into combining the effects together later tonight, as I have to go do some errands and play some discgolf.

this one i can do pretty easily, but as for your other post i just don't have the time to figure out all the scripting stuff that I think would be necessary.


do you want any other special poisons while I'm mixing them together?

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