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3.2 GB limit and CTD's/infinite load screens


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Ok, after doing a lot of modding and removing a lot of mods I'm just having 1 big problem with this game: 3.2 GB cache limit.


I've modded this game to the point that it's now visually stunning and runs great, but whatever I do I keep running into the same problem:

I load a certain area, say Dragonsreach --> mem usage goes to 1.7 gig.

I leave Dragonsreach and I open Whiterun --> mem usage goes to 2.6 gigs.

I run upto Bannered Mare and enter --> mem usage goes over 3.2 gigs and game crashes.


In other words, I can't get this game to run stable with my mods as it keeps exceeding the 3.2 threshold. Now I've noticed that a lot of you guys are using these heavy texture packs and ENBs in the same way I do. How do you do this?


Or is it some other mod that takes up my memory as I have no idea on what I'm doing wrong.


Any help would be very much appreciated!

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It sounds like you have your settings ramped up to the highest they can be. This isn't actually what you want!


I have read in a few places that skyrim has a lot of trouble dumping it's memory cache. As far as I know there are no utilities that fix this.


You are going to have to sacrifice some of those settings. For me the distant LOD settings and the shadows are the biggest strain that I have control over, so lower your shadow settings, and to hide the fact that your shadow settings learn how to add blurr to shadows via .ini tweaks. If you have mods which make distant LOD meshes high res, you might want to consider removing those as well.


If you do everything right then when you are done your game will run a lot better (and longer) without looking too much different.


As far as ENB's I don't personally use them so someone else might need to help you there.

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