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I need some help with the asier armor mod. To whom has downloaded the mod, am I supposed tho have a SEQ folder or something because all I got when I downloaded the mod was a .bsa folder and a .esp folder. could anyone tell me how to download it and what I did wrong? I have been having trouble downloading mods so I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me how to download mods. I don't care if it is a long paragraph or whatever. I just need help getting mods into skyrim.

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  • 4 weeks later...

you check the following:


  1. plugins.txt is in /Applications/The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim.app/Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Program Files/The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim/%USERPROFILE%/Local Settings/Application Data/Skyrim
  2. if so, put the .bsa and .esm in your data folder.
  3. Copy the text of the .bsa and .esm (by that I mean the title of the file) and put it in your plugins.txt.
  4. get the textures and meshes blended in the folders.
  5. if you had other plugins in your plugins.txt, make sure you check your loading order. Updates should be on top of the list, next patches and after the mods.

Contact me if you have any problems

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