AndrealphusVIII Posted June 28, 2013 Share Posted June 28, 2013 (edited) Hi allI have been playing Skyrim for some years now on a rather old PC. I have enjoyed the experience so far, but soon I'm getting a new PC and I wanted to take this opportunity to play Skyrim again, but this time very heavily modded.My previous specs:Geforce 9600 GTAMD Phenom II x4 9454GB RAMWin7 32bitMy previous load order:# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmSkyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esmSPIKE.esmBrawl Bugs CE.espUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espUnofficial Dawnguard Patch.espUnofficial Hearthfire Patch.espUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.espYngolBarrowButtonFix.espKillingTraps.espChesko_Frostfall.espRealisticNeedsandDiseases.espRND_BabettesFeast-Patch.espRND_Dawnguard-Patch.espRND_HearthFires-Patch.espRND_USKP-Patch.espRND_Dragonborn-Patch.espHigh Level Enemies.espHigh Level Enemies - Dawnguard.espHigh Level Enemies - Dragonborn.espHigh Level Enemies - Raised Ability Caps.espHunterborn.espHunterborn_Dawnguard-Patch.espHunterborn_Frostfall-Patch.espHunterborn_RND-Patch.espValsCraftingMeltdownAlpha.espDawnguard & Dragonborn Meltdowns.espConvenient Horses.espDragon Soul Relinquishment.espSkyUI.espHeavyArmorTree.espSpeechTree.espSmithingTreeDG.espERSO 01 - Vanilla Races Redone.espERSO 02 - Enhanced Fauna and Monsters for Skyrim.espDeadlyDragons.espERSO 03 - Super Mighty Dragons DD.espERSO 03.3 - Super Mighty Dawnguard Dragons.espERSO 03.4 - Super Mighty Dragonborn Dragons.espDeadlyMonsters.espERSO 04 - Mighty Odahviing.espERSO 04.2 - Mighty Durnehviir.espERSO 06 - Wait More Time Dragon Encounter x2.5.espERSO 07 - Mighty Dragon Priests.espERSO 08 - RUS-00 Main plus Dawnguard Dragonborn.espERSO 08.1 - ERSO EXTREME MIRAAK.espERSO 08.2 - ERSO EXTREME HARKON.espERSO 09 - RUS-Npcs overhaul USKP compatible.espERSO 09.1 - Essential Children.espERSO 13.03 - Higher Skill Cap 125 with perks.espERSO 14 - Vendors richer and Inns more expensive.espERSO 14.03 - Vendor Soul Gems Only Empty And Very Rare.espERSO 14.02 - Harder barter 8-4.espERSO 14.04 - Vendors Without Animal Parts.espERSO 14.05 - Vendor Without Minerals.espERSO 14.06 - Vendor Minor Enchanted Weapons Armors Very Rare.espERSO 14.07 - Vendor Very Less Weapons Armors.espERSO 14.08 - Respawn Vendor Stuff 15 days.espERSO 17 - Training cost 4.0x.espERSO 18 - LAWE Hardcore.espERSO 20 - Standing Stones Overhaul.espERSO 21.01 PM Dungeons.espERSO 21.02 PM Blackreach.espERSO 21.03 PM Dwemer.espERSO 23 - Lockpicking Perks Changes.espERSO 24 - Pickpocket Perks Changes.espERSO 26 - Realistic Fall Damages.espERSO 27 - Better Archery Stuff DawnDborn.espERSO 28 - Killmoves G.espERSO 30 - Better Enemy AI Dawnguard&Dragonborn.espLightArmorTree.espLock Overhaul.espDestroy the Thieves Guild.espRun For Your Lives.espWhen Vampires Attack.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espAchieveThat.espCloaks.espCloaks - Dawnguard.esp1nivWICCloaks.esp1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.espDiamondArmorN.espDiamondCrossbow.espDiamondWeaponsN.esphothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espImmersive Weapons.espDK_Armor_By_Hothtrooper44.espLPotD Armor.espLeftHandRings.espLeftHandRings - Dawnguard.espEarrings Set1.espTheChoiceIsYours.espTheChoiceIsYours_Dawnguard.espMighty Magick - Alteration.espMighty Magick - Alteration Extras.espMighty Magick - Conjuration.espMighty Magick - Conjuration Extras.espMighty Magick - Destruction.espMighty Magick - Dual Casting.espMighty Magick - Enchantments Rebalance.espMighty Magick - Illusion.espMighty Magick - Illusion Extras.espMighty Magick - Restoration.espMighty Magick - Restoration Extras.espMighty Magick - Scaling.espMighty Magick - Voice.espForgottenMagic_Redone.espImmersive Potions.espKevin's Deadly Poisons.espKevin's Deadly Poisons - TRAPS.espdisenchantment_font.espDuel - Combat Realism.espDragonCombatOverhaulDragonborn.espAmazingFollowerTweaks.espAFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.espImmersive Perks Followers for AFT.espEMCompViljaSkyrim.espEMViljaInSolstheimAddOn.espUpgraded Weapons and Armors.espFollower Trap Safety.espmoveitLWT.espAcquisitive Soul Gems.espEnhanced Soul Trap.espzMy SpellTome Edits.espzMy LPotD Cape Requirement Fix.espzMy Gamesetting and Equipment Edits.espzMy Jewelry Edits.espzMy ERSO 18 - LAWE Hardcore Edits.espzMy ERSO 30 - Better Enemy AI Comp Patch.espzMy Diamond Smithing Armor Rating & Melee Damage Edits.espzMy Immersive Equipment Edits.espzMy Illusion and Conjuration Perks Edits.espzMy Super Mighty Deadly Dragons Edits & Comp Patch.espzMy Potions Drinks Food Patch.espzMy Ingredients Comp Patch.espzMy Perk Comp Patch.espzMy Race NO DRAGONS Comp Patch 2.espzMy NPC Comp Patch 2.espzMy Vilja No Level Cap.espzMy Magic & Spell Comp Patch.espBashed Patch, 0.espExtra things you should know about my previous setup:I use the Community Uncapper already. (skill caps set to 999, modified skill/xp gains as well)I manually added armor piercing perks to the diamond crossbows (and other weapons) to make them like the Dawnguard ones.I made custom patches which increase the damage, armor and value of modded gear to make it more attractive over the Vanilla ones.I made my own custom Compatibility patches to make everything more stable.I modified several game settings. (like Armor Scaling)I play on lowest graphical settings because my GPU is rather ancient.I didn't use any graphical enhancing mods, also due to my old GPU.I compressed all textures (including those in BSAs) to below 512 kB with the Texture Optimizer (Ordenador), to make it even easier for my GPU.I originally used NMM, but I switched to Mod Organizer after a while and now I'm only using that.I cleaned all my mods, including Bethesda masters, I even loaded and saved all older mods (version 0.94) in the CK (to make them version 1.7).I keep my savegame file folder as small as possible by copying older saves to a seperate folder.I try and keep all of mods up to date, I check the Nexus daily.Utilities/programs I'm using:Mod Organizer (General mod managing)Wyre Bash (Making Bash Patches)BOSS (Load Order sorting)Creation Kit (Updating old 0.94 version mods to version 1.7, managing scripts)TES5Edit (ITM, UDR cleaning, Making Compatibility Patches, Making small changes (value, weight, damage, armor rating, ...) to mods)SKSE (obvious reasons)Notepad++ (reading scripts)Ordenador (Texture Optimizer)My new PC specs will be:Geforce GTX 770i5 4670 250GB SSD16GB RAM Win7 64bit(Not planning on doing any overclocking)Mods I'm planning to uninstall:Brawl Bugs CE (already included in USKP)SmithingTreeDG (old)HeavyArmorTree (old)LightArmorTree (old)LPotD armor (old)zMy LPotD Cape requirement fix (has LPotD as master)EMCompViljaSkyrim (gonna try different followers)EMViljaInSolsteim (has EMCompViljaSkyrim as master)zMy Vilja No Level Cap (has EMCompViljaSkyrim as master)Duel: Combat Realism (is being replaced by Ultimate Combat)ERSO 01 - Vanilla Races RedoneERSO 09.1 - Essential ChildrenERSO 21.01 - PM DungeonsERSO 21.01 - PM BlackreachERSO 21.01 - PM DwemerUpgraded Weapons and ArmorFollower Trap SafetyMods I'm thinking about adding to my load order: Graphics/Lightning/TexturesClimates of TamrielRealistic Lightning OverhaulW.A.T.E.R.Shooting StarsRainbowsSkyrim Flora OverhaulaMidianBorn Book of Silence and other aMidianBorn RetexturesAn HD Texture Pack (not sure which one though?)Static Mesh Improvement ModGet SnowyAutomatic VariantsDestructable BottlesLanterns of SkyrimBook Covers SkyrimNot sure about ENBs yet though...Mods for a new startRandom Alternate Start (hopefully won't generate the HelgenStartScript error CTD)Character Creation OverhaulApachii HairEconomyEconomics of Skyrim (Renting Workstations looks realistic) OR Skyrim Medieval Economy (lots of nice changes)Trade and Barter (I'm getting this one for sure!)Realistic Inn RentalsAny mod that makes services (Carriages, Houses, Decorations, etc) more expensive.(Any idea which one does that?)WeaponsThrowing Weapons ReduxAny other weapon mod that gives weapons to NPCs (leveled lists) like Immersive Weapons and Armors do.MusicSounds of Skyrim - Civilisation, Dungeons, Wilds (I'm getting this one for sure!)Skyrim Sound Probation Overhaul (not sure if compatible with Sound of Skyrim)Fantasy Music Overhaul (not sure if compatible with Sound of Skyrim)True Medieval Tavern Music (not sure if compatible with Sound of Skyrim)Clanking ArmorAny other mod that adds atmospheric soundsNPCsSkyrim Immersive Creatures (if possible in my already large load order)Any other mod that adds NPCs which add more immersion (any recommendations?)Misc.SkyTweakThe Dance of DeathCivil War OverhaulDiseasedAuto Unequip ArrowsWearable LanternsDrinking Fountains of SkyrimAnything else that brings new content, makes it even more challengingAny mod that could possible add more immersionA mod that makes the game font more stylish I will make more compatibility patches if necessary.Overall, I'm looking for a very immersive, difficult and challenging setup. (difficulty compared to Dark Souls or even harder) I also prefer it to be very atmospheric. Very dark, cold and dangerous, in which you shouldn't been travelling at night.Also the economy shouldn't be easy to get into (I'm hesitating between Economics of Skyrim and Skyrim Medieval Economy).At the beginning of the game you shouldn't be able to buy everything you want yet.I also want there to be a lot of high level content and difficulty (no easy lvl caps).I used to have SkyRe as well, but it was such a hassle with the ReProccer patches that I have given up on it.It doesn't seem compatible either with Mighty Magick Skyrim, ERSO and High Level Enemies, mods I really enjoy using. Also, it made me game a bit unstable. Same goes for ASIS.I rather get some alternatives, if I haven't got them already.I'm going to use the full STEP guide to make sure my game will be as stable as it can get. Is it possible to copypaste my Mod Organizer folder to my new PC?Advice/suggestions about the following are always welcome:Recommended additional mods that add immersion or challengeAvailable compatibility patchesLoad orderGeneral stabilitySystem tweaks Edited June 28, 2013 by AndrealphusVIII Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulon Posted June 28, 2013 Share Posted June 28, 2013 (edited) I'd avoid using Sounds of Skyrim if I were you. It's rumored to wreak havoc on save games. I'm currently using the sound propagation overhaul mod, but unfortunately, the author of that mod's made the file hidden from the public for the time being. With your new PC specs, definitely go for an ENB. Probably the best looking ENB out there, imo, is the Unreal Cinema ENB. Though it's a bit too dark at times, especially in interiors. Still, it looks really nice. And here's the space where I was planning to include screenshots of aforementioned ENB, but apparently "that image extension is not allowed". Guess the nexus doesn't approve of .jpgs. Anyway, if you'd like to see 'em, I just uploaded them to my account, so they're there for the viewing. It's all a matter of preference, though. I'm pretty indecisive when it comes to ENBs so I cycle through 'em a lot. And if you plan on using Climates of Tamriel, make sure you have a compatible ENB, like Project ENB (which comes with tons of presets to choose from) or RealVision. Mods that add NPCs for immersion -- Interesting NPCs Inconsequential NPCs Other mods of interest -- Varied Guards and StormcloaksThe Joy of Perspective (Adds a skeleton for first person so the character can look down and see themselves -- it's pretty cool, though it's a bit buggy and many of the first person animations suffer as a result)Fhaarkas Font Mod There's a ton more out there, but for the most part, I'm blanking right now. If you don't mind spending a bit more time in the process of getting it to work, look into Skyproc Patcher mods, such as Everybody's Different, which allows you to set up folders containing different skin textures which can be randomly allocated to NPCs. Automatic Variants is pretty cool, too. One concept I really like is that of the Realistic Body System mod, which gives NPCs random body shapes. From what I've seen, though, I don't like the execution, and as far as I know, it's for females only. Not sure. Anyway, yeah, hope that gives you some ideas. Edit - Forgot to mention, SMCO is great for if you plan on downloading lots of HD retextures. It's an automated tool that reduces texture size without any truly noticeable decrease in quality. Rogue Script Remover is also quite useful, though I'm not sure if it's been made redundant with the newest release of SKSE. Edited June 28, 2013 by Vulon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndrealphusVIII Posted June 29, 2013 Author Share Posted June 29, 2013 (edited) I saw a mod called Immersive Settlements as well. Might be worth tracking it. Unreal Cinema ENB looks really awesome btw. I'm going to look into the other things you mentioned. Edited June 29, 2013 by AndrealphusVIII Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndrealphusVIII Posted July 1, 2013 Author Share Posted July 1, 2013 Varied Guards and Stormcloaks is a rather old file. I don't know if it's still the right version. I've been thinking about adding the Extended Companions Questline, Vile Concoctions and GELO to my load order as well. Any other thoughts or suggestions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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