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Need to know what mod this NPC belongs to, "Carolyn"


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I think this mod is the caus of my CTD, I don't even know what it is or what it's for, the only thing I know is that there is an NPC named "Carolyn" and she sells some kind of color tinkter. Also she thinks Breezehome is hers and always sleeps there.

If anyone knows what mod she belongs to or a way I could find out, that would be a great help.

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Can't remember to be honest, (remembered its name from your description of it), I've stopped using that mod ages ago, but I don't think I had problems with it. It might have some dirty edits that's causing ctd's for you.


Does it CTD everytime you arrive at that location?

Edited by eSoDian
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Hmm, have you tried the whole uninstall/reinstall 1 by 1 every mod, thing? Before you mention it I don't really like that idea either. Or try running BOSS to sort out your load order, I hear it helps some people, I personally like managing my load order on my own. There might be mods that are conflicting with each other.


Also post your load order, someone might be able to see an answer to your problem.

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Well to be honest I have had 232 mods working flawlessly together for a long time now and I manege my own loadorder too. Thats why this is really pissing me off. I have always been able to figure out my CTD all the time not that it happens offten, because it doesn't. I just really hate being defeated! Yea but theres no way I'm going to go through 232 mods one by one! If you know what I mean, lol, that would take a week not to mention it would probubly caus more issues. If I can't find this issue than I'm going to start playing another RPG all together, they should not have released the game that is this unstable, mods or no mods! I had over 200 mods for Oblivion and no CTD at all ever! But anyway thanks for your help, I knew it would happen eventually.

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I know what you mean, I used to have that many installed as well in the past, now I think like 160 or so, can't remember, haven't played in months.

You could also try making a new save and travel to that location and see if you CTD, maybe it's a problem with your current save.


Sorry I couldn't help more

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