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is there a possibility to create a mod(perk) for riddick's eyeshine? i've tried looking for nightvision mods but to no avail. the idea of eyeshine mod looks cool but the process of bringing it to the game looks difficult. i would do it if i know how.


so here's a few of my ideas for it.

eyeshine perk - look in to a world in a different way where darkness is your ally.

details: must have dark goggles/sunglasses to see in normal view. remove it to activate eyeshine perk

attributes: +per on night -per for day. none on day if wearing goggles/sunglasses


can be obtained in a "retrieve my radio" mission where you meet a surgeon (instead of a witchdoctor) in germantown (jail setting). the surgeon's radio located in one of the metrotunnels full of rebid ghouls. and once you retrieve it, the surgeon would perform a surgical eyeshine for you and you can see in the dark.

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