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Mods on Steam?


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It is a lot easier if you use the Nexus Mod Manager, just download and install it, when you run it for the first time it will find your Skyrim folder. Once it's setup just find a mod on Skyrim Nexus and at the top click the big green button "Download (NMM)". Once it's downloaded in NMM just double click the name of the mod in the Mods tab.


If you already know all that, open the Skyrim launcher via Steam and click Data Files, make sure the mods you want are ticked.

Edited by DaedalusKimahri
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Workshop and Nexus mods work fine together. They do install differently though so be sure to read the documentation. Workshop mods should show up in the NMM Plugins tab - but may not show in the Mods tab. They will still work in the game though.

NMM cannot really uninstall workshop mods because of the way steam works. You must unsubscribe workshop mods through the workshop or steam will automatically put them back in your game.

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