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Furniture problems


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So as title says i got a furniture problems when i try to buy furniture for my new house for example house in hearthfire addon or a normal house in whiterun, in hearthfire houses i can buy but they never appear as if i didnt buy them.. in whiterun if i buy a house i dont get any further dialogue to upgrade/buy anything for the house, now i'm curious anyone else got this problem ever if yes how to fix it?


Ty for any help in advance.

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Did you actually buy the furniture for your Hearthfire home or did you build it? If you bought it (as in: told your Steward to e.g. furnish the kitchen) the furniture will take some time to show up a piece at a time - and it is an annoyingly slow process. So if that's the case you might only have to leave your home and wait for a while.


As for Whiterun, I had a similair problem once - or at least I thought I had - until I discovered that Proventus seems to refuse to sell you anything outside his normal business hours. Have you tried to talk to him while he's standing next to the throne or at the planning-table upstairs?


I hope this helps, otherwise I am at a loss too.


Edited for typos and such.

Edited by Anska
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oh thanks for those tips, i will try i talked to proventus when he was in that companions house cause i sided with stormcloaks & for hearthfire i told my stewardes which i also did the exit house but i will try again exit house wait few days and re-enter, i forgot where or how to build my own furniture so i just told her to buy it lol xD


Edit: ok so whiterun works, ty ! :D hearthfire i remembered how to build myself so insted of waiting for her to do 1 piece a week maybe i'll build myself once i got materials =)

Edited by Snezko
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