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no performance booster?


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I recently started modding skyrim, but seeing as my computer isn't very high-end I tried to install performance boosters such as Skyboost ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6058 ) and this one ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5123 ). They download and install fine in the mod manager, yet they do not show up in the plugin menu, as opposed to the other mods I have installed. I have absolutely no clue... halp?

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Hey matruss,


You should use the 'download manually' option when downloading those files. Nexus Mod Manager only installs to the Skyrim/Data directory - These .ini files belong in another directory.


When you've finished downloading manually, open up the downloaded archive and drop the .ini files into the directory:


C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim

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Just to let you know . This "BOOSTERS" are outdated ! I HIGHLY recommend HiAlgo boost for Skyrim! That's what I'm currently using for 1.9 and it works like a charm :cool: ! :whistling:


My Specs are Horrible as my Notebook is from 2008 . Currently I'm using my desktop for gaming but sometimes when I'm away from home I use my notebook for gaming :) ! And that notebook only has skyrim~


Skyboost and Skyrim Hyper Performance are both Outdated mods. Unless their perspective modders who made them updates them :) . Cheers


HiAlgoBoost for Skyrim

Here's the link if you want to know more: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15123/?

Edited by xSkyrimNexusCandy
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