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[LE] Have Skyrim Read External File OR Detect keypresses constantly

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Hi, I'm trying to get an external program to communicate with Skyrim and the easiest way I could think to do it would be changing an external file, then having Skyrim read it. My second idea was have Skyrim detect a keypress, for example '\', then do something.

The problem I'm having is I can't find if it is possible for papyrus to read external files or how to run a script constantly. I do have a script for detecting if a key is pressed or not though.
Any help or ideas would be amazing!

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There isn't another way that I know of to do it. From papyrus, you can use SetIniFloat, int, bool or string, but the Getters all require skse. Also the input functions, RegisterForKey and OnKeyDown ect all require skse as well.

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I know what I'm going to try to do but it would require me to run a script constantly but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Here is the code

Scriptname DBU_KeyPress extends Quest  

Event OnInit()

Event OnUpdate()
	Debug.MessageBox("Waiting 2")

It is in a Quest that is Start Game Enabled. From what I've looked up, this should work. Any ideas?

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You need to keep registering for the update:


Scriptname DBU_KeyPress extends Quest  

Event OnInit()

Event OnUpdate()
    Debug.MessageBox("Waiting 2")
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