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A little help with a Nif


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I am trying to import some simple animal models, only as objects (statues) atm, I will study rigging later.


I followed this tutorial

but when I preview the model in CK it has no textures, just a black, shiny mesh.

Anyone can tell me what went wrong?

You can download the nif and have a quick look

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Your nif comes without texture so I do not even see black :D

From where did you import your mesh? The problem is, that the mesh obviously has no proper UV map . Right click on your NiTriShape -> texture -> edit UV. You will see a square and a tiny white spot in the upper left corner, that's the only UV information for that mesh. Open a vanilla Nif and do the same and you will see the difference.

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The model was made from scratch and converted to an older nif verssion for Zoo Tycoon 2. I exported the old nif as OBJ and then followed the tutorial. So I guess the UV's got messed up during exporting? I see now I get an error when I try to edit the UV on my new nif

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Do you use the latest Nifskope? In the newer versions of Nifskope the handling of obj files is borked. Can you export your model as 3ds file? This works much better and is pretty much the same procedure. Or you have to work with an older Nifskope version. The last one that could handle obj files properly was 1.1.0 RC 06 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/niftools/files/nifskope/1.1.0/nifskope-1.1.0-rc6-i686-w32.7z/download)

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Well you said that the model was made from scratch so I assumed that you did it yourself and therefore you should have been able to export from your 3D Program as obj as well as 3ds. Can you send me the original file? I cannot promise anything but can have a look at it.

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Thank you very much. I think I got it to work with your nif verssion. Only bad thing now is that I used an ingot as base model and now my duck looks very shiny and metalic :P


I guess in LightingShaderProp you tweak the glossiness right?

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Ingot indeed is not a good idea for a duck :D Try to import the mesh into something "organic" like a rug. Glossiness can be reduced effectively by reducing the values of the specular color.

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Depends on weight and material I think, (in this case you should import into a piece of wood) and on the collision mesh. But I think it will be difficult to let the unanimated duck swim like a duck is supposed to swim, more like a piece of driftwood ....

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