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NMM question


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My question is about Mod Manager and the various mods I have installed in games like Skyrim, Fallout GOTY etc. I recently installed a new drive and copied everything over to the new drive and got rid of the old one. Now when I load up NMM, all of the plugins show up, but in the mods section its blank. How can I fix this? Do I have to manually download and install all the mods that are technically already installed?


My NMM points to E:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Mods, but inside that directory, there's basically nothing.


I recently wanted to test something out and downloaded the SkyUI mod. It installed in that folder and now it shows up as a compressed file. I think that's how all the rest of my mods were installed before the move. That's why I think I might have to re-download all of my mods :( I'm not happy about this.


thanks in advance, Shawn

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I did try putting in my Manual Downloads to my NMM in \Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Mods and it seemed to work . Not Sure why not in yours . Try re-installing NMM maybe ? If not maybe you'll just to have to re-download those mods again . I maybe wrong so take your time looking for a solution .

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Sorry did not notice it at first . So your new Driver is called E:/ ? If thats so . If your First mods where downloaded e.g C:/ drive which means those mods that where downloaded there were registered in C:/ which NMM puts into the mod list . Meaning . Your previous NMM registered all those mods in C:/ but your trying to register your mods that you transferred to E:/ which means your current NMM can't recognise this . [Not Entirely Sure]

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Sorry I didn't make that clear. The original drive letter and the new one are the same. "E". But what I don't understand is why the NMM folder doesn't show any mods anymore since that's where they were installed from the Nexus?

Thanks for your help. :smile:

Edited by judahpeter
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