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Invisible Weapons/Color Problems


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1. When I sheath out a sword in third person it doesnt seem to appear . When I click the attack button it unsheaths again like I have never sheath it but this time it's only sounds and my hands are holding nothing . Not a mesh problem but when I turn into first person it works. Here are the Images to help you guys out what I mean.

3rd Person Look


http://i.imgur.com/qntC2L4.jpgFrom the 1st Person Look



My second problem is when I change clothes my skin turns to 'Dark Colorish Skin'


Appreciate the help!

Edited by xSkyrimNexusCandy
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Bumping because I have this exact same problem (invisible offhand weapon). I am guessing that this comes from an animation mod (I recently installed Immersive Animations), but I tried uninstalling it and still had the issue. Help please.

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