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Translation bug


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Started Skyrim SE on pc a few days ago and as of right now I'm happy with the mod list I have. So I started a new character and just finished the quest in whiterun when you kill the dragon at the watchtower. I go to Balgruff and he gives me the quest to go to the grey beards. However the issue is the quest text is all in corsican (No language expert but as far as I've looked into its a language from the Mediterranean). All of the mods I have were in english so I have no clue where this came from, and it is the only thing I've encountered thus far that is not in english. Also I have no mods that affect the main story line.


Any suggestions?

Edited by WalkWithTheShadows
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If this is the game in general, rather than some mod addon that's displaying its added content in some other language (different problem), I'm not 100% sure this will help, but fwiw, check skyrim.ini in your /documents/my games/skyrim special edition/ directory (folder)


This should be the setting


best of luck

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