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Ulfics letter to Highrock?


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My opinion is that Ulfric AND Tullius are both Thalmor puppets. The Elves use Tullius to enforce their laws, which they write as they please with no desire to explain themselves...


And honestly, they're a bit hypocritical. They ban the worship of Talos because he was once a man, and yet if you read into Elven mythology, Auri-El (otherwise known as Akatosh) was once an Elf who ascended to godhood.


As for Ulfric...the Thalmor would LOVE to see the Empire fall apart, and that's exactly what would happen if Ulfric were to claim the throne of Skyrim.


Basically, the Thalmor win no matter who wins the Civil War. If the Empire wins, they can continue manipulating the human races to do their will. If the Stormcloaks win, the Empire begins to crumble, and the Thalmor can work on completely eradicating or enslaving men as they see fit.


Incorrect. The Thalmor *lose* if the Civil War concludes. It's stated in the same dossier that lays out how Ulfric is their unwitting pawn (and that plus his complete unawareness of Torygg's respect for him shows how obtuse he is).


How? If the Empire wins, the Empire goes right back to re-arming for Great War Round Two, and they retain the wellspring of martial strength that has empowered all three Empires of Men: the Nords. The Civil War was meant to distract from that. If the Stormcloaks win, the Thalmor now have to contend with an entire province of the most manly of the races of Men getting riled up itchin' for a fight, and where their Justiciars are now openly attacked.


What they wanted was for it to be as drawn out as possible. They were gravely concerned that would have been thwarted when Tullius bagged Ulfric and was on the way to the chopping block.


And in either case... You do know what the previous Dragonborn did to Summerset, yes? He sic'd a giant stompy robot at them. A Dragonborn walks the earth again. All haughty elven nations that are getting too big for their breeches are doomed. Alessia and the Ayleids. Wulfharth and the Dark Elves (though he wasn't quite successful). Tiber Septim and the first Dominion.


... So do we eventually get a giant robot?

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Actually, if Ulfric was to kick out the Empire, then all of Skyrim would be unified against the Aldmeri Dominion, not just his Stormcloaks. Skyrim, at this point in lore, is possibly the strongest human force. It's referenced throughout the game that Skyrim is the single strongest part of the Empire remaining after the war with the Thalmor. Argonians and the Aldmeri Dominion have them beat in raw military strength, ofc, but to invade you've historically needed 3X the numbers of the defenders. Ulfric could lead a successful defense of Skyrim if it was united, provided he never tried to invade the Aldmeri Dominion's holdings outside Skyrim.


Much of this has been hashed out many, many times before... But within the context of Tamriel A; the rough multipliers which apply to invasions don't apply, mostly because of magic. B; It's stated by people in Whiterun, Solitute, Riften and by Imperial generals that Skyrim is largely dependent on foodstuffs from Cyrodiil and Highrock, so it would be difficult to say it's the Strongest Province if it can't feed its own population and forces. And C; regardless of the victory in the Civil War, you are told matter of factly that the fighting will be ongoing, because of continuing opposition. Skyrim wouldn't be 'united', it would be subject to the same internal strife that has been, and will be plaguing Afganistan for years.


As i mentioned earlier, Ulfric isn't stupid. He knows that, even if he wins against the Empire, he NEEDs allies to hold onto Skyrim. Be it from Imperial reprisal, or the eventual Domminion attack. Even to quell internal division (particularly when you consider the fact that many of the Jarls call attention to constant infighting between the Holds without the Imperial control) he needs external forces loyal to him and not their Holds and Jarls. He's not going to find it from the Dunmer, and Cyrodiil isn't likely to actually help him. But Highrock tends to be just divided enough to maybe offer him some aid, even if only from one of the 6 (is it 6 now? can't remember how many came out of the Warp in the West) kingdoms. Which is, of course, why he sent the letter to Highrock.



As for the Talos thing... There are no more giant robots. It asploded, and then the Nerevarine destroyed the second one. This time the Empire is going to have to attack Summerset the hard way.


Also... Wulfharth didn't knock down the Dark Elves when they got too big for their britches... Skyrim invaded the nation of Resdayn long after the Chimer had fallen from Veloth's original plan devolved into a bunch of warring tribes. Wulfharth was defeated by the Chimmer and the Dwemer at Red Mountain because the NORDS had gotten too big for their britches, not the other way around.

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The only thing I would wonder based on Ulfric's quote "It shall be Skyrim that will lead tamriel in these dark days" made me think that in the future Tamriel would become a new "Nordic Empire" instead of "Cyridill" only difference is that Skyrim will become the capital providence instead of Cyrudill

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Well... 3 is the number of Mundus... The Third Numidium would thus be Nirn, creation made manifest to rise against the Thalmor and their plot to destroy the world!


Well... The Dwemer made a nice giant god-robot, so it might just be possible for another to be made... somehow... even then, I doubt folk would be inclined to making their souls part of a giant robot. The Dwemer were, but the Dwemer were.... different. And what could be used as a replacement for the Doom Drum's heart? We'd need another Mantella, but I don't think the Thalmor would not notice the construction of the replica of a giant-god robot that ravaged them to the 5th era. But then, I doubt many noticed Dagoth Ur doing the same, unless my Morrowind knowledge's gone rusty on that part.

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If we're going on that front, then anything outlandish could be a possibility:


And what could be used as a replacement for the Doom Drum's heart? We'd need another Mantella,


Get the Eye of Magnus back from the Order somehow and use that? Or use the oculory device in the depths of Mzulft to locate some other immensely powerful magic item that might be worked into being a substitute "heart" for such a creation. Or use a Daedric artifact to fuel it somehow.

Doesn't have to be as powerful as the previous ones, I'm pretty sure the sight of something so familiar for causing so much damage to them before would give the Dominion some worrying thoughts.


I'd suggest that the building of something like that would take place after the security of Skyrim is well in hand.


Or heck - last resort: Ask one of the Daedric Princes - Sheogorath maybe - for help in making it, I'm sure he'd enjoy watching it go nuts on a mountain of stuck up Elves - Or Bal, tell him be can have the souls of Dominion soldiers that the thing takes down.

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If we're going on that front, then anything outlandish could be a possibility:


And what could be used as a replacement for the Doom Drum's heart? We'd need another Mantella,


Get the Eye of Magnus back from the Order somehow and use that? Or use the oculory device in the depths of Mzulft to locate some other immensely powerful magic item that might be worked into being a substitute "heart" for such a creation. Or use a Daedric artifact to fuel it somehow.

Doesn't have to be as powerful as the previous ones, I'm pretty sure the sight of something so familiar for causing so much damage to them before would give the Dominion some worrying thoughts.


I'd suggest that the building of something like that would take place after the security of Skyrim is well in hand.


Or heck - last resort: Ask one of the Daedric Princes - Sheogorath maybe - for help in making it, I'm sure he'd enjoy watching it go nuts on a mountain of stuck up Elves - Or Bal, tell him be can have the souls of Dominion soldiers that the thing takes down.


I don't think I'd trust Sheogorath with anything. :D The Eye, maybe, but I'm not sure of it's exact properties. I guess we could find some supremely talented and capable mage and capture his soul, like what they did with Zurin Arctus to make the Mantella (or Wulfharth, depending on what you believe). But which mage would suffice? Hmmm.... Divayth Fyr maybe....


But yeah, I agree it wouldn't need to be god-powerful to hand the Thalmor's asses to them. Considering a possibly non-canon source, Numidium (with the Mantella) has actually (somehow by crazy TES metaphysics) been laying destruction to Alinor since the Mythic Era all the way to the Fifth. The exact text:


"It’s not the Brass God that wrecks everything so much as it is all the plane(t)s and timelines that orbit it, singing world-refusals.
The Surrender of Alinor happened in one hour, but Numidium’s siege lasted from the Mythic Era until long into the Fifth. Some Mirror Logicians of the Altmer fight it still in chrysalis shells that phase in and out of Tamrielic Prime, and their brethren know nothing of their purpose unless they stare too long and break their own possipoints." - Michael Kirkbride Source: http://www.imperial-library.info/content/forum-archives-michael-kirkbride (4th down)


If we treat that as canon, than something even fairly weaker than the Mantella would wreak the Thalmor some serious havoc.

Edited by BloodrendX001
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Well, it has been an established part of the background for some time that the activation of the Numidium instantly causes a Dragon Break. Since the 2 major Dragonbreaks we know of are mostly localized events (the Dunmer and Khajit were not affected by the Allessan, for instance) it's safe to assume that these events work in weird ways. It's perfectly reasonable to assume that limited pocket realities formed around individuals, splitting into infinate timelines. There could even be some of these chrysalis bound Altmer 'living' in realities where the First Dominion defeated Talos.


Anyway... I think something as powerful as the Eye of Magnus would cause far more problems than even the Mantella. It's an artifact more akin to the Heart of Lorkhan than the man-made Mantella, and probably has infinitely more power. The Staff of Magnus may make a good power source, though... able to draw in the power of the mages attacking it...

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  • 7 months later...

Hey skyrim fans if you are reading this I had actually played through the stormcloack side and while browsing the "palace of kings" I overheard a conversation about Ulfirc's letter to high rock and Galmor told him no news yet so that got me wondering if Ulfric is up to something more than independent skyrim so theories i think?


1. Is Ulfric trying to manipulate high rock to scede from the empire?


2. Is Ulfric planning in the future a whole new empire will rise and Skyrim will be the new seat especially when he said "it will be skyrim that will lead Tamreil in these dark days"

A Thalmor Puppet no

Trying to take the Empire out of Skyrim yes

The dossier says hes uncooperative and in the end it would be bad for either side to win the war

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