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Ulfics letter to Highrock?


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Actually, if Ulfric was to kick out the Empire, then all of Skyrim would be unified against the Aldmeri Dominion, not just his Stormcloaks. Skyrim, at this point in lore, is possibly the strongest human force. It's referenced throughout the game that Skyrim is the single strongest part of the Empire remaining after the war with the Thalmor. Argonians and the Aldmeri Dominion have them beat in raw military strength, ofc, but to invade you've historically needed 3X the numbers of the defenders. Ulfric could lead a successful defense of Skyrim if it was united, provided he never tried to invade the Aldmeri Dominion's holdings outside Skyrim.


Much of this has been hashed out many, many times before... But within the context of Tamriel A; the rough multipliers which apply to invasions don't apply, mostly because of magic. B; It's stated by people in Whiterun, Solitute, Riften and by Imperial generals that Skyrim is largely dependent on foodstuffs from Cyrodiil and Highrock, so it would be difficult to say it's the Strongest Province if it can't feed its own population and forces. And C; regardless of the victory in the Civil War, you are told matter of factly that the fighting will be ongoing, because of continuing opposition. Skyrim wouldn't be 'united', it would be subject to the same internal strife that has been, and will be plaguing Afganistan for years.


As i mentioned earlier, Ulfric isn't stupid. He knows that, even if he wins against the Empire, he NEEDs allies to hold onto Skyrim. Be it from Imperial reprisal, or the eventual Domminion attack. Even to quell internal division (particularly when you consider the fact that many of the Jarls call attention to constant infighting between the Holds without the Imperial control) he needs external forces loyal to him and not their Holds and Jarls. He's not going to find it from the Dunmer, and Cyrodiil isn't likely to actually help him. But Highrock tends to be just divided enough to maybe offer him some aid, even if only from one of the 6 (is it 6 now? can't remember how many came out of the Warp in the West) kingdoms. Which is, of course, why he sent the letter to Highrock.



As for the Talos thing... There are no more giant robots. It asploded, and then the Nerevarine destroyed the second one. This time the Empire is going to have to attack Summerset the hard way.


Also... Wulfharth didn't knock down the Dark Elves when they got too big for their britches... Skyrim invaded the nation of Resdayn long after the Chimer had fallen from Veloth's original plan devolved into a bunch of warring tribes. Wulfharth was defeated by the Chimmer and the Dwemer at Red Mountain because the NORDS had gotten too big for their britches, not the other way around.


I think if Ulfric was trying to get allies he can easily ask his friends in Hammerfell to give him a shout considering that they hold nothing of value to Skyrim and are just as amazing warriors if less berserker so. If they were united they can easily take on the Thalmor considering The Redguards did it in 5 years united with The Nords they could probably do it in half the time. While the fighting is distracting the Aldmeri Dominion in the North it can give the Rest of the empire enough time to strategize and regroup attacking the Thalmor at Cyrodil and High rock eventually Purging from the two kingdoms until Thalmor territory is left to the Original three Valenwood, Elsweyr, and Summerset Isle or Atmeri depending on what you call it, leaving them Stranded at that point you can reform the Empire or just make independent Kingdoms

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I think if Ulfric was trying to get allies he can easily ask his friends in Hammerfell to give him a shout considering that they hold nothing of value to Skyrim and are just as amazing warriors if less berserker so. If they were united they can easily take on the Thalmor considering The Redguards did it in 5 years united with The Nords they could probably do it in half the time. While the fighting is distracting the Aldmeri Dominion in the North it can give the Rest of the empire enough time to strategize and regroup attacking the Thalmor at Cyrodil and High rock eventually Purging from the two kingdoms until Thalmor territory is left to the Original three Valenwood, Elsweyr, and Summerset Isle or Atmeri depending on what you call it, leaving them Stranded at that point you can reform the Empire or just make independent Kingdoms


Hammerfell has always fought with Skyrim. They've had numerous wars, religious conflicts and a general dislike of eachother since the Ra'Gada first landed in Tamriel. The only time i am aware of that they were actually able to work together (sort of) without the Empire forcing them to, was the most recent sacking of Orsinium in the early 4th Era.


You don't just ignore almost 2,000 years of war, animosity and contempt. Hammerfell is more likely to re-join the Empire than it is to form an alliance with the Nords.

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