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Getting really bad FPS in Fort Dawngaurd!


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I am getting really low fps in fort dawngaurd, which is odd cus i never get low fps playing skyrim, I am running the sharpshooter enb with these mods (problem is nothing to with my hardware), -



Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Landscape
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Dungeons
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Towns
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Misc
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_6 FULL - Riften
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Ruins Clutter Improvement HD by raiserfx
Detailed Rugs by raiserfx
Skyrim Flora Overhaul v171 Hi-Res
Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Pine Colors
Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Aspen Colors
Lush Grass - Lush Grass 1-4-1
AOF Detailed Mountains 2_1
high realistic tundra moss for AOF Detailed Mountains - high realistic tundra moss AOF yellow
W.A.T.E.R. - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux, +reduced splash +watery rocks
Dramatic Clouds Ultra
Finer Dust
Realistic Smoke and Embers - RSE High v1_4
Enhanced Lights and FX - Enhanced Lights and FX --> STRONGLY required!
Enhanced Lights and FX - SMIM Meshes
Realistic Lighting Overhaul by Sydney666 and Daemonui, setting for Enhanced Lighting and FX --> STRONGLY required!
HD Enhanced Terrain - Type 2 Old but best
Real Ice by Yuril, Classic + Parallax
Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack, Standard setting
Improved NPC Clothing - High Res - Improved NPC Clothing_1_8_1_MORE_DIRT
Detailed faces
Enhanced night
Vibran aouras

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