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Texture Clash upon loading Skyrim.


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This isn't me and I have a little more technical ability than she does. I downloaded an alternate start to really get down to where the issue is coming from. It could be a texture issue, but I believe that it's a compatibility issue with Intel and bethesda's coding. I do believe there is a .dll out there for this fix and I've already tried a d3d9 but it didn't work. I've gotten other textures for my player model but that didn't work either. Please help.

And don't try and say my rig can't run this game, I still can see the world around at certain glimpses and I can also hear; my frames don't drop below 30 I'm only encountering this error. (I'm on ultra). I've tried all sorts of graphics configurations, none of them seem to do the trick.

Edited by Nurarhiyon
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