Haseo21 Posted July 15, 2021 Share Posted July 15, 2021 The dialogue option for choosing Thieves Guild jobs is not showing up for either Vex or Delvin. I tried using console commands to start the quests, but that did not work. I am at my wits end trying to figure out how to fix this and have gained no insight looking at discussions on similar issues. My load order is in spoiler. Here are pictures of the issue. https://i.imgur.com/ecmwldA https://imgur.com/BZJvOB2 Reveal hidden contents 0 0 Skyrim.esm1 1 Update.esm2 2 Dawnguard.esm3 3 HearthFires.esm4 4 Dragonborn.esm5 5 RSkyrimChildren.esm6 6 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm7 7 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp8 8 ApachiiHair.esm9 9 ApachiiHairMales.esm254 FE 0 RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm10 a Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm11 b SkyUI_SE.esp12 c Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp13 d TrueStormsSE.esp14 e Obsidian Weathers.esp15 f SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp16 10 Mortal Enemies.espCultist Equipment - Heavy Armor Version.esp17 11 Cultist Equipment - Light Armor Version.espCultist Equipment - Mage Version.esp18 12 KS Hairdo's.esp19 13 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp20 14 DepthsOfSkyrim.esp21 15 JKs Skyrim.esp22 16 Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp23 17 Cutting Room Floor.esp24 18 Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp25 19 Skysan_ELFX_SMIM_Fix.esp254 FE 1 ELFX Fixes.esp254 FE 2 JK's Warmaiden's.esp254 FE 3 JK's Warmaiden's ELFX patch.esp26 1a Dawn of Skyrim.esp254 FE 4 JKs Skyrim_Dawn of Skyrim_Patch.esp27 1b Eli_Breezehome.esp28 1c OBIS SE.espJKs Skyrim_Arth CRF DA DB FA IV RO_Patch.esp29 1d JK's Blue Palace.esp254 FE 5 JKs Blue Palace - ELFX Patch.esp254 FE 6 JKs Blue Palace - USSEP Patch.esp30 1e OpulentThievesGuild.esp254 FE 7 OpulentThievesGuildPatch.esp254 FE 8 JK's Palace of the Kings.esp254 FE 9 JKs Palace of the Kings - ELFX Patch.esp254 FE a JKs Palace of the Kings - USSEP Patch.esp31 1f Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp32 20 Point The Way.esp33 21 Sea of Spirits.esp254 FE b JK's Dragonsreach.esp254 FE c JKs Dragonsreach - ELFX Patch.esp254 FE d JK's Elgrims Elixirs.esp254 FE e JKs Elgrims Elixirs - ELFX Patch.esp254 FE f JKs Elgrims Elixirs - CRF Patch.esp254 FE 10 JK's The Pawned Prawn.esp254 FE 11 JKs Pawned Prawn - ELFX Patch.esp34 22 Run For Your Lives.esp254 FE 12 JK's Radiant Raiment.esp254 FE 13 JK's Bee and Barb.esp254 FE 14 JK's White Phial.esp35 23 More idle markers.esp36 24 Immersive Patrols II.esp254 FE 15 JK's Bee and Barb - ELFX Patch.esp37 25 AHZBetterDGEntranceSE.esp254 FE 16 JK's Sleeping Giant Inn.esp254 FE 17 JK's Angelines Aromatics.esp254 FE 18 JK's Candlehearth Hall.esp254 FE 19 JK's Candlehearth Hall - ELFX Patch.esp254 FE 1a JK's The Ragged Flagon.esp254 FE 1b JKs Ragged Flagon - OTG Patch.esp254 FE 1c JKs Ragged Flagon - OTG - ELFX Patch.esp254 FE 1d JK's The Bannered Mare.esp254 FE 1e JK's New Gnisis Cornerclub.esp254 FE 1f JK's New Gnisis Cornerclub - ELFX Patch.esp254 FE 20 JKs Angelines Aromatics - USSEP Patch.esp38 26 Underwater_Treasure.esp254 FE 21 JK's Bits and Pieces.esp254 FE 22 JKs Bits and Pieces - ELFX Patch.esp254 FE 23 JKs Bits and Pieces - USSEP Patch.esp254 FE 24 JK's Arcadia's Cauldron.esp254 FE 25 JKs Arcadias Cauldron - ELFX Patch.esp254 FE 26 JKs Arcadias Cauldron - USSEP Patch.esp254 FE 27 JK's Sadris Used Wares.esp39 27 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp40 28 Eli_RiverwoodShack.esp254 FE 28 JK's Sleeping Giant Inn - ELFX Patch.esp41 29 FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp42 2a Ars Metallica.esp43 2b AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp44 2c Immersive Weapons.esp45 2d Unique Uniques.esp46 2e VFWC.esp254 FE 29 mihailfogling.esp47 2f notice board.esp254 FE 2a mihailmmasithis.esp254 FE 2b JKs Bee and Barb - JKS + DoS Patch.esp48 30 GrimmerReaper.esp49 31 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp254 FE 2c DoS-AIO-ICAO-Patch.esp254 FE 2d JKs The Drunken Huntsman.esp50 32 TheAmazingWorldOfBikiniArmor.esp254 FE 2e Opulent Thieves Guild - USSEP Patch.esp51 33 Mayhem01.esp254 FE 2f JKS Sleeping Giant Inn - ELFX Fixes Patch.esp254 FE 30 JKs The Drunken Huntsman - ELFX Patch.esp254 FE 31 JKs Drunken Huntsman - USSEP Patch.esp52 34 AHZBetterDGEntranceSE-ELFXPatch.esp53 35 OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp54 36 My Home Is Your Home.esp254 FE 32 mihailvampirebeasts.esp55 37 mihailmourningsouls.esp254 FE 33 SoulCairnRuins.esp254 FE 34 mihailtreeofsouls.esp254 FE 35 JK's The Bannered Mare ELFX patch.esp254 FE 36 JK's Belethor's General Goods.esp254 FE 37 JKs Belethors General Goods - ELFX Patch.esp254 FE 38 Eli_Breezehome [PATCH - DOS (Director's Cut) SE VER1.5] (STD).esp254 FE 39 JKs Blue Palace - JKs Skyrim Patch.esp56 38 Realistic-Voice.esp57 39 RSChildren.esp58 3a Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE.esp59 3b Celtic Music in Skyrim - Combat.esp60 3c Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE_Dungeon.esp61 3d Apophysis_DPM_SE.esp62 3e RSC CRF Patch.esp254 FE 3a 3BBB.esp63 3f RaceMenu.esp64 40 RaceMenuPlugin.esp65 41 icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp66 42 SOSRaceMenu.esp67 43 CBBE.esp68 44 XPMSE.esp69 45 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp70 46 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp71 47 dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp72 48 EBT - IC PATCH.esp73 49 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp254 FE 3b JKs Elgrims Elixirs - Bee and Barb Patch.esp74 4a Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp254 FE 3c JKs Ragged Flagon - USSEP Patch.esp75 4b BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp76 4c DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp77 4d VioLens SE.esp78 4e HothFollower.esp254 FE 3d Dragon Claws Auto-Unlock.esp79 4f OBIS SE - Immersive Weapons Patch.esp80 50 OBIS SE - NoticeBoard - Addon.esp81 51 RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Unsorted.esp82 52 CC'sEnhancedOreVeinsSSE-HearthfirePatch.esp83 53 sandboxcylinderheight.esp84 54 RaceMenuHH.esp85 55 Moonlight Tales Special Edition.esp86 56 RichMerchantsSkyrim_x2.esp87 57 Bijin Warmaidens.esp88 58 Dr_Bandolier.esp89 59 Bijin NPCs.esp90 5a PAN_LethalLadies.esp91 5b Bijin Wives.esp254 FE 3e JK's Sadris Used Wares_ELFX patch.esp254 FE 3f JK's White Phial_ELFX Patch.esp254 FE 40 JK's RadReim_ELFX_Patch.esp254 FE 41 JKs Radiant Raiment - USSEP Patch.esp92 5c WetandCold.esp93 5d Obsidian_TS_Wet&Cold_Patch.esp94 5e True Storms - Obsidian Weathers - Patch .esp95 5f FNIS.esp96 60 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp97 61 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp98 62 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp99 63 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp254 FE 42 JK's Sleeping Giant Inn ICAIO Patch.esp254 FE 43 JKs Belethors General Goods - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp100 64 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp254 FE 44 JKs Dragonsreach - Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Patch.esp254 FE 45 JKs Warmaidens - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp101 65 RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp102 66 RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp103 67 CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp254 FE 46 CWIEnLFXSEPatch.espImmersive Citizens - ELFXEnhancer patch.esp254 FE 47 CWICRFSEPatch.esp254 FE 48 CWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.esp254 FE 49 JK's The Winking Skeever.esp254 FE 4a JK's_WinSk_ELFX_Patch.esp254 FE 4b JKs Bannered Mare - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp254 FE 4c JKs Dragonsreach - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp254 FE 4d JKs Drunken Huntsman - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp254 FE 4e JKs Winking Skeever - USSEP Patch.esp254 FE 4f JKs Winking Skeever - ELFX Fixes Patch.esp104 68 RealisticWaterTwo.esp105 69 fortdawnguardimmersive.esp254 FE 50 FDIELnFXPatch.esp254 FE 51 ELFX Fixes Ragged Flagon Fix.esp254 FE 52 JKs Skyrim_RWT_Patch.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
7531Leonidas Posted July 17, 2021 Share Posted July 17, 2021 Have you used SSEEdit (xEdit) to check for conflicts? You can run the check on your entire load order at once, it may take some time, however. In the same vein, have you ever 'cleaned' your DLC files, using the same? Also, have you tried to re-load an earlier save, from before you joined the TG, and start over? I am just guessing, but the conflicts filter is probably the way to go, for a start. I hope that someone else w/a better insight comes along to help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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