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Mods for PS3


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Oki i created this topic in the hopes that some one would help the playstation community,we need mods,ive seen so manny cool oblivion mods and have just been left in awe,so please talented modders,i ask you to help us,the playstation 3 runs more or less like a computer,it gives you alot freedom to work on it,so please help us,if anyone can do it,its definitely you guys,theres talent out there so im sure someone will succeed
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Oki i created this topic in the hopes that some one would help the playstation community,we need mods,ive seen so manny cool oblivion mods and have just been left in awe,so please talented modders,i ask you to help us,the playstation 3 runs more or less like a computer,it gives you alot freedom to work on it,so please help us,if anyone can do it,its definitely you guys,theres talent out there so im sure someone will succeed

Much like with the xbox, the version of the game for PS3 is configured differently so that user created mods will not work. Furthermore, there is no user support for user-based, console mods, so making or using them would almost certainly be illegal. It is this way so that console users are forced to purchase additional mods from the game company themselves.


Essentially, unless you're using the PC version, you're SOL.

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You know, I've noticed that mostly every topic that has "Calling all modders" in the subtitle is either too large a undertaking to undertake or simply impossible to accommodate/create.

Yes, that's because the person making the thread often doesn't understand the thing they're requesting well enough to specify what kind of modders would know anything about their request, so are calling on all modders in hopes that someone can offer some help.


By contrast, a topic with the subtitle "calling no modders" would likely mean that the person has a perfect understanding about the task, is capable of doing it themselves, but however feels the necessity of posting about it so as to draw the attention of modders who feel left out of the conversation. It's really a lose-lose situation.

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