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smithing artifacts together idea - scythe of molag bal


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i have what i believe to be a good idea but lack the knowhow to really get it done so i'll pass on my idea in hopes someone else will make it. what i wanted to do use artifacts as the required matts for hybrid artifacts, therefore making one have to work for these new uber items. but to me that just makes it feel more worth my time, when i have to bleed and sweet for it. anyway i wasn't really going to make every possible combination.. infact i was only going to make one..

my artifact hybrid was going to be a blending of harkons sword, mace of molag bal and 1 ebony battle axe. the out come is these pics. a scythe i call soul eater. the reason being i like one handed weapons and shield however to molag bal that would be seen as pretty weak. i don't like dual wielding because it would mean running away and dodging at times. which again he would view as weak. he is the god domination, king of ****, harvester of souls and creator of vampires. therefor only one weapon in my mind is fitting which is not only a two handed weapon but a scythe. vampirism isn't meant to be girly sneaking around and fine dining or shining in the sunlight.. it is about domination, doing and taking what you want while putting your foes in there place, this is what it means to be a vampire in elder scrolls and truly live up to molag bals will.

I was going to make the data as followed:
ebony smithing: Harkon's Sword + Mace of Molag Bal + 1 Ebony Battleaxe = souleater (battle axe which looks like a scythe)

Absorb Health, 20 pts for 1 sec
Drain Magicka, 20 pts for 1 sec
Absorb Stamina, 20 pts for 1 sec
Soul Trap for 3 secs
only works if weilded by a vampire

clearly this needs work, if i knew how to get it to 100% it would of been done long ago, but i don't. the parts i think need to be linked together, the textures don't match with the ebony axe and idk it likely needs to be marked as an axe for animations. but im just assuming as i don't really know about how to make weapons. anyway I hope someone out there likes this idea and finishes it.




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